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Posts posted by Heatman

  1. 15 hours ago, Yaramaki said:

    Lol  i gained quite some weight during the covid period since all you could do was eating way too much for your own good, drinking beer/wine and playing videogames. Thank god i could still go to work or it would have gotten way out of hand. I lost about 60 pounds, little over 25 kg since covid restrictions ended and i could go out hiking again. These days i hike about 25-30 kilometers on a weekly basis to keep my weight under control. Maybe if i give up booze and unhealty eating habits as in eating fries atleast 4 times a week combined with a bunch of other unhealthy crap i'd see even more result but so far i'm satisfied with losing the weight i put on during covid and then some by just being able to go out hiking again.

    It was just about the same thing with most people during the pandemic of coronavirus lockdown. There wasn't much choice but to eat, sit at home, shit (poo 💩), bath, eat again and sleep on the repeat 🔂 every damn day. It was a very critical time. Once you're able to get your eating habits under control, and workout adequately, you will lose much weight quickly. 

  2. 14 hours ago, Yaramaki said:

    Cool thanks now let's keep the champions league talk going. Let's talk about what team suprised you the most so far(only one answer to that but still) and what team let you down the most ( again only one answer to that in case you are wondering they are wearing red colors and are from the uk ).

    Benfica in Group H is a team that really surprised me so much. I never thought that they would beat Juve to the 2nd spot on the table but they. In fact, Juve have been struggling in everything including their league too. Screenshot_20220920-134853_Chrome.thumb.jpg.bd1c8fb4fcf9544aa86b74a984cc5225.jpg

  3. 3 hours ago, Yaramaki said:

    Where i live the series x is becoming more and more avaible i've seen it in a few stores here and there where you can just grab one, even a couple of local online stores like bol.com have it in stock.

    Ps5 on the other hand i've yet to see one for sale well at normal retail price.

    This is exactly the same situation down here too. People are not even looking for Xbox Series X much and it's almost in every store you walk into. 

    But when it comes to Playstation 5, you won't see it at all. It's only available at hiked price by scalpers. 

  4. 17 hours ago, NightmareFarm said:

    Yeah, I don't get why everything needs to be open world these days. 

    I think that it's something to do with the feeling that more gamers are more likely to be interested in playing video games which gives them more room for exploration. I might be wrong though but it's how I feel. 

  5. 2 hours ago, Empire said:

    I've made friends playing games but it's never lasted much longer than the game. I play mmos so I've had friends for years in the mmo. But when I moved on the friendship ended.

    But then I don't voice chat. So our interaction was never as deep as those who chat while online.

    I have a friend whose been friends for 10+ years with some online people. They meet weekly online to chat and play games

    It's only on Top Eleven Football Manager that I have made a brother because he's more than just a friend now. We got hooked up in the Football Manager Game over 5 years ago and we have bonded so well now. We even talk more off the game now. He's stopped playing for at least 2 years now but we still have our connection. 

  6. 6 hours ago, Ajibusu said:

    Elden Ring just came out this year and I don't think it is a classical game yet. I can think of PES, GTA and, I agree with you, Street Fighter is a good game that should go with me to the other world.

    Well, that's your opinion on that because as far as I'm concerned, it's a game that I'm very certain of playing till the foreseeable future. It's how the game occurs to me that matters in this context. 

  7. On 8/21/2022 at 4:57 PM, Yaramaki said:

    Last thing i lost was some weight and i'm not hoping to find it back.

    I bet you're willing to lose some more of it eeh 😂.. How much did you lose the last time? 

    I lost my power bank last or should I say I left it in a public bus and it's impossible to get it back. It's gone forever!! 

  8. The only place we have a reunion is now on WhatsApp group that's created and most of our classmates are members in the group. It's going to be impossible for all of us to get together in person, so we do it online. 

  9. If you have nothing to hide as the mother of or wife, I don't think you should be bothered at all. Yes, it's going to look like your man doesn't trust you when it comes to being faithful and that's what you have to find out after the test results comes out good. 

  10. Well, she lived long enough and it's something that shouldn't make anyone sad. Over here, we celebrate her life well spent and not crying about it. It's when one dies so young and full of life that it becomes a heartbroken experience for the family. 

  11. I haven't been a car accident but motorcycle accident. It wasn't my fault at all as the biker just bumped out of no where and hit me real hard. I had a minor concussion with bruises all over my body. It's why I hated motorcycle so much. 

  12. 52 minutes ago, killamch89 said:

    This - I couldn't agree more. The mentality of gaming studios has become more focused on profit instead of quality (EA, Ubisoft, 2Kgames) so that really isn't an improvement. Games being released with lots of bugs and then being subsequently patched after release is also a step backwards from a decade ago. With the rise of social platforms which allow for independent gaming journalism, gaming companies can no longer cover up their mistakes by manipulating mainstream gaming media.

    Everything boils down how these game companies are so much in a haste to rush and release half baked poorly developed games all because they are too eager to get gamers money off their pockets. It's why a lot of their games gets broken at launch. 

  13. On 9/18/2022 at 5:59 AM, The Blackangel said:

    Alcoholism tends to run in my family, so I'm predisposed to it. My parents were both heavy chain smokers. The instant they put one out, they lit up another one. Even when pregnant with me, my mother didn't quit or even slow down. The damage it did to me while I was in utero is pretty obvious to those that know me in person.

    Cigarettes smoking can get very nasty when one's addicted to it. I have a friend who smokes more than 3 packs of cigarettes in a day. He smoked virtually everywhere. He stopped going to church because he can't see out a service without having to smoke. It's been very challenging for him to deal with. 

  14. 21 minutes ago, killamch89 said:

    Yeah, his sister doesn't mind but whenever I take out my smartphone to take a picture of him, in his eyes, it's the equivalent of me turning on the hose and getting ready to bathe him XD

    He's definitely going to be a fun dog to have around. With the way it looks like, he's never going to get tired of playing around all day. Although my dog enjoys his bath so much. He loves to swim a lot. 

  15. Just now, NightmareFarm said:

    I would assume so. They patched it up good and people are saying it's actually a decent game now. 

    Yeah, it's the same thing that I equally heard too about the game but am I ready to get right back into the game now? Naah!! I don't think so. Maybe next year, I would be interested in doing so and by then, they would have done more patches for it too. 

  16. 16 hours ago, Kane99 said:

    It's going to result in failure. I don't see anyone being interested enough to purchase any NFT from Atari of all companies. People have mostly forgotten what Atari is, and with the people now behind the name, they aren't even the same people. 

    It's just another attempt to cash in on the Atari name, but soon enough they will have to realize that there isn't any worth in the Atari name anymore, not after how much shit the name has been run through. 

    You're right about most people especially the new generation gamers doesn't even know there was anything like Atari and they are the same people whom they are expected to buy into their NFTs. It's certainly not going to work. 

  17. 19 minutes ago, killamch89 said:

    He's here actually but I have to keep him inside for a bit because his sister will constantly want to play with him and he's still limping quite a bit. The vets claim it should go away in due time but I've been spending some time with him.

    I don't know, I have to ask him because every time I try to a picture of him with my phone, he just keeps running around 🤣🤣🤣

    I'm glad to hear that he's gotten home successfully. I know that it must be a great relief for you and even him too because there's no place like home. He's probably picture shy and that's why he keeps running around whenever you want to snap him 😂

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