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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. Seriously, I hate it so much when games lag. It's as good as not playing the video game at for me.
  2. For it to be underrated, it means that it exceeded expectations and it's a good thing just like you pointed out.
  3. No one really enjoys to quit a game that they purchased with their money because it means the money have gone down the drain.
  4. It's definitely going to be very difficult for you to take your foot off the gas as long as you have the time to play. The game is really very entertaining.
  5. That's alright my friend. The first most important step is getting the game and you have done that. So, take your time and enjoy it.
  6. The PS One with the screen even looks more odd as well. It's like you guys never got to see that one as well?
  7. Seriously, it's not that hard when you're really into music that much. My cousin is the music industry, so he hits me up with so many to download.
  8. Yeah, that's for sure something that's going to be a hard nail in it for me to make that decision.
  9. I actually did remember the game but my time with playing on Playstation 1 wasn't all that fun for me the way I did enjoyed playing on PS2.
  10. The game have been on 2D for at least 10 years or so and in that time being, so many gamers have pulled out the game as a result of bugs etc.
  11. Yeah exactly, it's one item that is versatile in my opinion in the game. You can't do without having it for your progress.
  12. Seriously, it's better to be safe than being sorry or feeling sorry for yourself when it doesn't go well. Stay the hell out.
  13. I was never a fan of Spider-Man games when it was on Playstation 1. I saw the game but it never really impressed me.
  14. The efficiency of the VR headset is what matters most to some gamers and not really the cost of it, although one's affordability will decide most of the time.
  15. Yeah, it's something that I have considered as well but funny enough when you tell them that they are addicted to it, they will all say no.
  16. Yeah exactly, on Playstation 2 console... The favorite one's that you have played so far?
  17. Just downloaded on Netflix the new of of Vikings that just got released last month on the 22nd of February but it's a series.
  18. The same thing goes with my kid brother. No matter how much I try to influence his preference towards Playstation, he never gets moved because of how he's attached to his Xbox.
  19. I believe that it's something that can be done if they wanted to but it's going to make the game look somehow odd in my opinion.
  20. I actually expected that to be the outcome because it's going to be look odd for them to give some a heads up and leave out others.
  21. I think that some gamers that are into tournaments tend to play their video games faster and all rushed.
  22. Need for Speed series used to be my favorite racing game but over the years, I have drifted towards Gran Turismo more.
  23. Yeah, they have and I think they they have some connection with Elden Ring. You can read through. https://www.redbull.com/za-en/hubs/gaming
  24. Exactly my friend. There is no justification for spending too much money on something, only for it not to be worth it.
  25. If you have had a run in with playing some well made indie video games, you can easily pick out how outstanding they are to other games.
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