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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. Congratulations my friend. That's something that's very much going to wow your day.
  2. I believe that there is always a flaw in all games that are released and what matters so much is how the developers work towards making a better one.
  3. It's just a complete waste of time, money and effort to be very honest with you. There are better things do with the money.
  4. As long as it's what makes them feel accomplished, relaxed and satisfied, it's a welcoming thing to do in a healthy way.
  5. I have already grabbed my Crafting Tools(300 runes) in the early stage of playing Elden Ring, and it's definitely going to come in handy in playing.
  6. Are you making use of their free browser or their paid version of browser?
  7. Some gamers have erratic mood and it's something that's very difficult to predict how it's going to be affected by the games they play.
  8. We all have the things that we can afford when we can afford to no matter how poor or rich we are at the moment. VR headset will definitely get to that.
  9. Maybe they simply can't help it staying away from such. It's just like an addiction. You know it's not good for you but you keep doing it.
  10. The game was never developed for a 7th generation console if I remembered correctly, there was no way it would have worked on it.
  11. It's really a shame that that EA had to push you so bad that you had to quit playing the game and I can see very well that you loved the game.
  12. Personally, I haven't felt or experienced any sort of toxicity from any Dark Soul's community that I have in for a long time now. Maybe I been lucky enough.
  13. Seriously, I think that sometimes the updates or upgrades on smartphone comes too early. It shouldn't be a yearly thing in my opinion.
  14. It will keep on making it to be very frustrating for you when you're already under pressure and keep on trying.
  15. I really find PSone with the screen very odd and annoying to be very honest with you. It looked like a DVD player for me.
  16. What's your favorite Playstation 2 classic that you have played over the years you have been playing?
  17. Yeah, despite what happened with their previous release that was a full time trash, they are making adjustments to see better one's come out.
  18. Yeah, that's a fact. Playstation 2 bested Playstation 1, and 3 but I can't really say that about Playstation 4.
  19. Some gamers even get annoyed into killing the escort mission 😂.. I have seen some crazy gamers in my life on more than one occasion.
  20. That your PS3 have done you so much but there is nothing much you can do about it as long as you can't afford PS4.
  21. Personally, I don't really know if that's something that's going to be that easy because they will not be willing to do that.
  22. I'm just making a statement in terms of what I'm going to do. I haven't owned Playstation 2 for ages now. I wouldn't know how much games are sold on it.
  23. My work colleague told me last night that he had to stop playing Skyrim as a result of the bugs in the game, although I didn't find it too much.
  24. It's actually why I take out my time when it comes to picking out games that I'm going to play. If I'm going to spend $70+ on games, it's definitely going to be worth it.
  25. I have had my Playstation 4 for years now, so I wouldn't even call it new because all my focus is now on Playstation 5 and playing on it.
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