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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. Seriously, there are some gamers who are that good that you know very well that they deserve it when it comes to our respect.
  2. Some gamers know how to read the game's map 🗺 very well and they know their game's very well. They push up and go hard.
  3. They are more than addicted to the games, that even when it's very obvious that they are being given shit but they keep doing it.
  4. Seriously, I hate to seeing them because they are very disgusting and dirty.
  5. I can't really forget when I was beaten 11-0 in a match and I was very disappointed with myself.
  6. Exactly, just like how EA makes their useless FIFA games for their deluded fans on yearly basis.
  7. And you forgot about how they steal your data and invade your privacy 🔏.
  8. Just like in Top Eleven Football Manager that I play, there are some managers that you meet that are mad to kill you off.
  9. It's actually why you see a lot girls killing themselves just to get iPhone. They go any extreme extent to get it especially the jobless ones.
  10. Yeah, there are some gamers who are that good that you can't rival them at all. I have faced some of them as well.
  11. Yeah, once the games are out on those services, it's definitely going to be very entertaining for gamers to jump into it.
  12. Seriously, who even plays video games 10 hours in a day? How long do you work and how long do you rest?
  13. We can ever be only grateful to Sony for such an amazing experience they have given us with all of their consoles and not just PS2.
  14. Are you being serious about this right now? How can one pay for such all at once when most people are struggling with getting one.
  15. Yeah, for the fact that the services is out already is something that's encouraging for most people.
  16. Aren't we all living for the money? Once they cease to come, that's the end of it.
  17. Alright mate. I did that as well. Next time, no engagement at all. Aye Aye Sir.
  18. Thanks man... The Blue Brothers! I'm definitely going to be checking it out. Maybe, I will see it tomorrow or next weekend.
  19. A pro will always be a pro and they can get really braggy when it comes to what they can be able to do in the games that they play.
  20. I prefer PC Gamers Magazine better. It's got more content and images that's very catchy that you can't overlook.
  21. Exactly, and playing a relaxing video game can equally help you out as well when it comes to being able to get calm.
  22. All video game companies will always put up something in their website in ways to make their games look that good.
  23. It's nothing to feel bad about not having the services or PS NOW/INFINITE, definitely it's going to get there sooner or later.
  24. Seriously, you can't do without FIFA and they can't do without you because of the amount of money they are making from millions of people like you.
  25. I think that's going to work for him to say the least. If possible, you can send it to him in his private message.
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