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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. Personally, it's not something that's going to interesting me at all because I have had my share of wasting my time on such set up that's never worth it.
  2. Instead of being in support Ukraine they are acting to play neutral and banning the guy. They are completely useless as far as I'm concerned.
  3. Yeah, that's very correct. I think that it's PC gamer and Edge that's got their own magazine.
  4. There is a lot of force pushing the Metaverse project and it's why it's getting all the headlines its been experiencing for a while.
  5. It's like asking to live forever and not get old, weak, grumpy and worn out. It's not possible that such can happen, otherwise they will be out of business.
  6. Of course yes, I make use of Discord for some of my gaming needs, although I don't have my own server but I'm in some.
  7. We all are really getting old now. Imagine that we didn't even start from Playstation 1 and Playstation 2 is currently 22 years old.
  8. For some gamers that are making use of Gamepass and PS Now/Infinite services, I believe that they can do that just fine.
  9. If you have a game that's isn't built to play in the particular smartphone that you have, there is nothing that can be done to make it play.
  10. I think that they have copied a few things from Capcom in their making of Resident Evil games when it comes to their zombies.
  11. It was peer pressure for me because it's something that all my friends played with and I played with their own consoles. So, I had no choice but to play with PS.
  12. He's most likely to too addicted to the video games that he's playing. He might not have the so called ADD or ADHD.
  13. Seriously, it definitely looks like the memo they are copying from and they have dragged different stories into and out of the game.
  14. For the likes of me that doesn't put much faith in playing video games using my smartphone, all of that doesn't mean anything to me eeh.
  15. Or that the smartphone RAM is too small to successfully run all the programs without feeling too overloaded.
  16. My brother is already cooking up something as his new video game project. I can't wait to see what brings into creation.
  17. I thought that they were different companies. Damn, then Xiaomi is as good as they say it is.
  18. All we can do is to wait for it when they makes it something that's very common for users to get and enjoy making use of.
  19. What's your take on the game when it's being compared with Gran Turismo or Forza Horizon 4?
  20. Yeah, it's why I don't beat myself too much about not using the smartphone iPhone. It's not within my budget, so I let it go.
  21. Yeah, there is no denying how good cryptocurrency application like Binance works for the better for their users.
  22. He's a business man, and I'm sure that most businessmen would do exactly the same thing that he did. Ps. Have you gotten any game's refund?
  23. I will be waiting for you with it then, and I hope that you can get a very good one as soon as possible.
  24. Well, it's their own business as far as I'm concerned. It doesn't change anything about how I feel towards playing the games.
  25. As far as I'm concerned, I don't really think that it's something for anyone to make that decision for you. If you don't want it, it's not going to happen.
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