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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. What's there to do but to contact back the customer service and report the incident for them to prepare for the product to be returned.
  2. Exactly, that's what comes in software and coding of video games. The bugs are a constant in what it comes with.
  3. So, I eventually had to purchase FIFA 22 and it was still the same thing with FIFA 21 as far as I know of. It's only FIFA 23 that seems like it's going to be different.
  4. Those kind of developers that are a huge fan of NTFs. Well, as far as I'm concerned, they are not going to be getting what they want.
  5. Haha, this guy you're very funny. You only managed to stay off the game for just 1 year, that's even if it's up to one year and you call it quitting?
  6. There aren't any pictures of him to know him from? There is even a statute of my grandfather in my home. He was a great man.
  7. Yeah, most of the time it's the real reason why most people don't fancy getting into games pre orders. Although I have already pre ordered a few for this year.
  8. Seriously, I'm not sure if the 3D project is a good thing for the game. Having it in 2D was good enough in my opinion with the tons of bugs in it.
  9. Seriously, it's something that took me a while to get myself out of because it had me so addicted to playing which isn't healthy to me.
  10. Haha, imagine how foul your mouth would be smelling that day.. I have had similar experience but it's out of being in a haste to go to work.
  11. Seriously, that's actually why I get into playing more on Nintendo Switch. Playing video games on my smartphone is becoming very challenging.
  12. It's only a matter of time before the release of Gran Turismo 7 would be with us. It's one game that I have looked forward to the same way I looked forward to Horizon Forbidden West.
  13. This is actually what almost if not all gaming companies are after now. It's very obvious from how their projects have been playing out for them over the years.
  14. Seriously, that's the main reason for me to always favor Netflix over Amazon Prime. Even the movies on Netflix are bigger than what's on Prime.
  15. I think that it's actually available on steam. Did you later check it out?
  16. For a product of $799, it's definitely top costly for my liking. Even if I have that amount of money, I wouldn't be too eager to purchase that.
  17. The way the world is reacting and reaching out is what will go a very long way in making things get back to normal.
  18. They are already working on that, so with time we will be able to see how good they are going to get in that particular kind of service.
  19. Heatman


    Seriously, Apple is one frustrating company to deal with. Yes they have quite a stack of quality products but they are very annoying.
  20. The guy that I shared the product have already given me his word on ordering the product. I can't wait to see it in real time.
  21. Yeah, I have used so many of such exchanger website that deals on cryptocurrency but none of them seems to be as good as Binance.
  22. Haha, are you being serious right now? I would never starve myself because of a video game that I already have in my system to play any time.
  23. Quantity is always a trash thing to look after when you are purchasing any products because of how quickly they will get damaged.
  24. Just like we have given Rockstar a second chance after what they did with the production and release of GTA trilogy.
  25. The giveaways that they do frequently on Binance is something that sets them apart and very high in my regards. No other exchanger does that.
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