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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. Yeah exactly, I do get into that sort of thing from time to time and it's really an awesome feelings most of the time.
  2. Yeah, once it's that interesting and intense, you wouldn't mind how long it takes for you to complete the video game. Some gamers don't even care about it at all.
  3. Majority of gamers that are my friends don't fancy playing video games on mobile devices, whether it's on Android or iOs devices.
  4. Yeah, some gamers really love to experiment with such. I think there was a gamer here who has developed a game. I can't seem to remember the thread it was in.
  5. Yeah, it's something that most people yearn for when it comes to graphics that matters to them that much. I would like to have it sooner.
  6. Yeah, I think that I have seen some other smartphone that's set up that way and it's really off for me, I don't like it at all.
  7. Just like I picked up a few things from my grandfather when it comes to his Solitaire games. He taught everything I knew about the game.
  8. Yeah, it's why I'm waiting for the next video game that they are going to make which I have no idea of now. Do you have any clue?
  9. I haven't seen any gaming groups on Telegram ever since I started making use of it. It's more linked to NTFs and Airdrops.
  10. Well, I don't really mind that much because they are the ones that made their bed like that, so they should enjoy it so.
  11. Yeah, there is no way you wouldn't have so much to pick up from your parents or the adult you played with as a kid.
  12. It looks like it's going to be a sluggish voting session this one eeh!
  13. Yeah, the kind of time and resources they pushed into fixing the game would be running in millions of dollars.
  14. Why do I make use of most Amazon for all of my gaming products? It's to absolutely avoid such rubbish.
  15. Seriously, there is no way you would expect me to pay for something that's quite expensive like that and they give me a fake one.
  16. It's definitely something that's going to help you to rip the game off and apart if they allows such feature.
  17. Seriously, when you can't have access to Playstation 5, then you have to start making use of whatever that's valiant to use.
  18. As far as I'm concerned, I'm definitely going to be very much interested in completing Elden Ring.
  19. Yes exactly, because by right, you have already sold your right for freedom of expression.
  20. Any kind of video games that I play which doesn't make me happy is definitely getting kicked out as far as I'm concerned.
  21. And having too much caffeine in your system all the time isn't good for your health.
  22. Seriously a lot of people have been disappointed with what happened with the game and it's a shame that there's nothing we can do about it.
  23. I actually didn't look for it as it came to me because I was in a group chat. So, a member sponsored the tournament with $3000. It's how I got recommended to play.
  24. Discord is far more robust when it comes to the features that are available on the platform. Telegram is more like Whatsapp.
  25. I have actually seen a lot of remasters that's got the initial original games far more better then the so called remaster.
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