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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. I don't really think that it's something that's capable of killing the game. They will keep updating the game as usual till it's playable.
  2. There are so many gamers who started playing Top Eleven Football Manager with me 5 years ago but most of them are no longer playing now.
  3. I only played FM on my PC and it was a very good one. I never got to try it out on mobile as I believed that it's not going to run well.
  4. The kind of bugs and glitches that's going to mare the 3D update of the game Top Eleven Football Manager, it's going to be horrible.
  5. Did they ever cared about how it's going to affect gamers that are paying for the video game back then? No, they were only after the money.
  6. What happened with the game Cyberpunk 2077 is a very big lesson for them company whenever they are making another game.
  7. It's actually why I really love what Capcom did with the game Resident Evil 4. If most of their games are that way, we wouldn't be nagging them.
  8. What's your opinion on the games narrative - what's the designs in the game that you didn't like that much?
  9. Heatman


    Apple company is too greedy for my liking and it's actually why I find it very difficult to get into making use of their products.
  10. Heatman


    And as far as I'm concerned, gaming narrative is very important for me because it's what makes all the difference for me.
  11. Yeah, you wouldn't have it any other way because it's not even available for you to get now even if you wanted to pay for it.
  12. Seriously, it's something that I believe Sony should have done a long time now. Even now, they need to spice it up well for their fans.
  13. Yeah, although the only difficulty in getting Playstation 5 now is that it's not available for most people who are looking for it to buy.
  14. They had to do a lot of trail and error before they got it right. It's actually a very big lesson for them in their next game.
  15. If making use of it is tied rock hard to Facebook, it's definitely going to be very difficult challenge for most people who don't use Facebook.
  16. That's nice. Did they say how long it's going to take for it to be delivered for you?
  17. It actually depends on what I'm streaming. If it's something that's quite thrilling, I might be lost in it for a while before getting my bearings.
  18. I think that they got better with their consoles controllers making in terms of durability and power.
  19. Yeah, I believe that it's something that's going to get better over time as we have seen a lot of business getting back to normal.
  20. I wouldn't even bother about choosing between the two but go straight for PlayStation 5 because it's the best now.
  21. Yeah, that's very correct. There is no argument about that point.
  22. Football Managers should be allowed to take the 12th penalty when it gets to that point in the shootout.
  23. Horizon Forbidden West. I can't seem to stop playing. It's so fun. Love it the way I did Ghost of Tsushima.
  24. How would that offer any physical support to Ukraine? Elon Musk just approved free satellite 🛰 over their space. That's what I call support.
  25. La Noire!! is definitely a good one to get them into making something now. I really enjoyed the first one, so a new one would be equally good too.
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