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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. A lot of people are no longer interested in making use of the Facebook application/site and it's going to be a very difficult challenge for the headset.
  2. Seriously, we are really tired of getting the game in that same way but what can we do about it? I don't really see any at all.
  3. The restless nature it gives is very frustrating when it gets like that. It's why I try as much as possible to stay calm with any game.
  4. Seriously, that was my first experience when I played Ghosts of Tsushima. I never knew it was deep in the night around 3am and I was still playing.
  5. The amount of time spent in playing such games and what you get to earn in the end is almost nothing worth the time.
  6. Yeah, that's very correct. Thanks for the heads up on the game. If I ever get a chance to play it, I'm definitely going to update you.
  7. Looking at how sleek the gaming prop looks like, it's something that I can't give up on because it's really hot.
  8. More like Marvel's or DC games with their characters. It's something that I might I feel like getting.
  9. As for me, I really enjoyed playing all my games from difficulty level because it's always more demanding for me and sharpened me.
  10. My niece recently started playing at the age of 4. It was really too early compared when I started playing at the age of 10.
  11. Seriously, I really felt bad when VR headset was introduced but it was too expensive, if not I would have gotten it by now.
  12. Maybe you can look into getting Atari 2600. It's a pretty old system if you ask me. What do you think about getting it?
  13. Eventually, if you are into playing Soul's video games, you will definitely be playing it sooner or later.
  14. As far as I'm concerned, both of them look cool. It's just the character's personality that's different per say.
  15. It looks like it's in first person shooting? I usually prefer having my shooting games in third person.
  16. Damn, that's one piece of bad ass hardware weapon. I wouldn't mind doing everything possible to get it for myself.
  17. To be very honest with you, it's something that I have actually expressed and expected them to do something on over a long time now.
  18. Seriously, having them blocked is the only way that I feel comfortable with because it cuts off just about everything that's linked with them.
  19. Some people don't look that deep when it comes to the website url most of the time. It's happened to me a few times.
  20. Seriously, the long ones are the most frustrating part of it. If it's short, I wouldn't really mind too much but the long ones are killers.
  21. Some people are really dammed and damaged to an extent you have to worry if they are really human beings.
  22. If nothing is done in the real gameplay like it is in cutscenes, they haven't done anything as far as I'm concerned.
  23. You can especially adapt to using it right? Although, I know a lot of people who are actually not too comfortable with Google spy.
  24. To be very honest with you, that's the best I have seen so far when it comes to PC gaming set.
  25. It's not even easy to put in the time and effort to farm successfully. So, when you see who does it well, you should congratulate them.
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