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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. Some people are really dammed and damaged to an extent you have to worry if they are really human beings.
  2. If nothing is done in the real gameplay like it is in cutscenes, they haven't done anything as far as I'm concerned.
  3. You can especially adapt to using it right? Although, I know a lot of people who are actually not too comfortable with Google spy.
  4. To be very honest with you, that's the best I have seen so far when it comes to PC gaming set.
  5. It's not even easy to put in the time and effort to farm successfully. So, when you see who does it well, you should congratulate them.
  6. Oh! That's a beast of a truck. I have watched some racing that it's used and it's one hell of a ride.
  7. This is exactly how it has been with my sisters for ages. The way they cry when they watch an emotional movie is really shocking to me.
  8. As usual, you do yourself the favor of voting yourself 😉.. Congratulations 🎊 to the winner in the end.
  9. Seriously, even gamers who find it very difficult to seat on the orthodox gaming seats would find it very relaxing and comfortable.
  10. Wow, this looks marvelously sexy. I know a couple of decent PC gamers that wouldn't turn such offer for the product down.
  11. My parents were practically against playing video games at all. All the game that I had when I was still a kid was purchased without my parents knowledge.
  12. Since Microsoft now have Activision-Blizzard rights, let's see what and how good they are going to make the Call of Duty series get better.
  13. Depending on how vast the video games map is goes a very long way in determining if it's something that I would get lost in when exploring.
  14. The quality of the chair and how relaxing it is when you are making use of the chair is what should be considered very well.
  15. I shared this link with my friend in United States of America who's looking at replacing his old gaming seat and he's ordered it already. He's very happy with the product.
  16. As far as video games are concerned, there will always be casual video games and one's that really mean business when it comes to being tough.
  17. Seriously, finding the best server that works well for you is the biggest challenge you can face but once it's fixed, you will definitely enjoy the game well.
  18. If they are used in the proper way, I believe that it's something that most gamers would like to have in their games.
  19. Is there any update on any new motorcycle games that's going to be coming out this year @Justin11?
  20. It takes dedication and commitment for you to be a good farmer of game's resources. There is no harm in doing that.
  21. For the new games that I recently purchased, I haven't scratched their surface. But I might complete some of my old games soon.
  22. I have not been too relaxed to take most of the tournament that I have played for the past 2 years seriously, it's why I haven't won anything of late.
  23. I have been in so many Discord servers and they do make of bots very well. If you get them right, it will definitely help with running the server.
  24. When I get my VR headset hopefully this year, then I will have a real time experience with how it works.
  25. I will never forgive the developers of Cyberpunk 2077 and Fallout 3. The bugs in these two video games are unbelievable.
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