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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. Of course yes, it's very peculiar with what they have been doing for years now and it's really getting annoying. Although they did got Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Remastered very well.
  2. The trailer of Gran Turismo 7 is a great one. It's among my top 10 best video games trailers till date.
  3. You are very welcome my friend and I hope it gives you all the information that you are looking for.
  4. I don't even have all the time in the world to have such games very difficult, so I'm optimistic towards games where health and other resources regenerates.
  5. If you look down on any gamer no matter their age, you will live to regret it all the days of your life.
  6. Seriously, this is very shameful in every way possible. We are meant to help others get better but we are the ones that put them down.
  7. I have been seen some good opinion from gamers ever since the last update that came out. Let me observe it more and see what I can get.
  8. I already just completed watching the review of IGN on Elden Ring and it's very interesting in all they exposed.
  9. I know very well that would have been the possibility of why you called it a movie instead of TV show or series.
  10. Till today, I'm still very much afraid of the pandemic of coronavirus because at least 3 of my close friends died from getting infected.
  11. Heatman


    How long have you been playing that kind of game for? I have for at least 3 months but I'm losing interest.
  12. Well, I'm yet to decide on getting the game all over again. It's only after doing that, I would be able to say something on it.
  13. With the cost at which VR headset is sold at, it's something that can never be placed to be overrated.
  14. Yeah exactly, it's how Ghost of Tsushima and Ghost of Tsushima Legends means a whole lot to me till date.
  15. Would Elden Ring be made into series? What do you think about this? I might actually like it to be done with the game.
  16. The PlayStation 4 pro controllers that I purchased last year serves me very well and it lasts very long at least 4 hours.
  17. Hmm, I wouldn't like things to escalate too much because it's the only they can have enough story to make into games.
  18. I'm still very undecided when it comes to getting that game Cyberpunk 2077. Let me get games that are yet to disappoint.
  19. Experiences is the best teacher for gamers and it's why they are not giving into such schemes being plotted by gaming companies.
  20. Would you consider UPS a gaming gift? It's something that my friend in UK sent to me last year and it helps with power outage.
  21. Personally, I think that with time, they are both going to offer games at the same price on different consoles.
  22. I have played more on consoles all my life and it's why I'm trying so hard to get into playing often in PC.
  23. If the outcome of what happened is one to be laughing at, I'm definitely going to laugh unless it's an outcome that pushed me in shock.
  24. I think that Final Fantasy X did well more that it's expected looking at how Final Fantasy IX came out. Although, some gamers would have another opinion.
  25. What's the games that you have played which you can categorize as the worst when it comes to its designs?
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