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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. They have everything to work for when it comes to getting everything working out perfectly. They can make real life graphics if they want to.
  2. Call of Duty Modern Warfare for me should be my best shooting video game ever.
  3. I do believe that it's something that they can work out and see how to make it fit in the subject and it's definitely going to sell well.
  4. Deathloop and Resident Evil Village. They are good combination for me do play.
  5. There Soul's games is what makes they stand out in their work. Take a look at their Dark Soul's, Bloodborne and Elden Ring.
  6. I'm still learning more about the game and sports. It looks interesting from what I have picked up for a while now.
  7. Yeah, Microsoft is reaping the joy of their hard work and efforts. It's why they are so good at what they do now.
  8. I would like to see the end of the pandemic of coronavirus and how it's going to be recreated in new video games.
  9. They have replicated the same thing with their latest release of Elden Ring. It's an awesome game.
  10. Yeah, that looks like something that's going to be very interesting. Keeping my fingers crossed on this one.
  11. Personally, I feel like it's my sole responsibility to teach them the right way to play video games, so they don't become that which we hate in gamers today.
  12. As long as the health and resources regeneration is designed to work directly proportional to the enemies I'm going to face, it can be accepted.
  13. But the truth of the matter is that we can never really do without Google in our world today. If it's possible, Google would have gone bankrupt by now.
  14. The kind of gaming experience I'm going to have is completely dependent on my decisions and it's how it should be.
  15. What are the recommendations that you are looking at getting into playing this weekend?
  16. Seriously, even without having games with bigger RAM requirements for it to run successfully, I would still take the smartphone.
  17. Yeah, that something which looks very obvious. I have good reasons to believe that it's something that can get better with time.
  18. It's really painful for me to lose that power bank in the manner that I lost it. It's really frustrating for me to be very honest with you.
  19. Heatman


    Most video games that I play helps get me out of a boring mood. It's one thing my games are very good at.
  20. Yeah, take for instance now, you have been stuck with PS3 for a while now, getting PS4 or PC, it's definitely going to increase your game library.
  21. Who changes theirs smartphone every 1 to 3 months? How's that possible or sane? Does he deal on drugs?
  22. Yeah, that's true, I was merely trying to stress the point for him when it comes to what the console PS5 can do and not do.
  23. Well, they still have a very long way to go when it comes to matching what Xbox has been doing for years. It's not going to be an easy task.
  24. The availability of PlayStation 5 wouldn't be a problem for any who wants to play the game Horizon Forbidden West.
  25. There is always competition in everything in the world, so, it's a normal thing for you to witness it in the movie industry.
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