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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. It even looks and sounds like an adult porn website. The name alone is a turn off as far as I'm concerned.
  2. Heatman


    Of course yes, it's the very good thing that I love so much about playing with Nintendo Switch. It's a perfect platform.
  3. I think that's the same day with the release of Gran Turismo 7 right?
  4. I don't have any problems with Aztech Forgotten Gods graphics. It's quite good for me. The gameplay is perfect.
  5. Seriously, you ain't going to have such degrading problems with game's software copies.
  6. That's where classic gamers thrive well in now. They make old games look so good in which they are that good.
  7. At least some of the 2022 games are coming out already to make up for the poor 2021 we had. Horizon Forbidden West is doing well now.
  8. Heatman


    Nintendo always does what's best for Nintendo. It's why you see their gaming policies differ from what other companies do.
  9. The cost of VR headset is a big factor in its slow sales and usage in playing video games. If it were to sell for a cheaper price, most gamers would get it.
  10. Personally, I think that I favor Blackshark more because of how it's built, the design and it's specifications as well.
  11. Here is a very good review on Xiaomi Black Shark 4. It's definitely worth every penny.
  12. Seriously, the size of that sword is just too hilarious to look at whenever I gaze it. Although, it looks very effective when used in combat.
  13. The screen of mine broke last 2 weeks but it's still working perfectly fine but the looks is now awful.
  14. How much does it sell at Steam now? Have you checked it out to know the actual price?
  15. Seriously, games that have a smooth gameplay doesn't ache the gamers too much when it's being played even with poor graphics.
  16. Yeah, everything is all about time. If they do it well, it's definitely going to come out good and all better. Personally, I'm a big fan of good graphics.
  17. Yeah, the Hitman 3 was a far more better upgrade from the initial ones that came out before it. The 2021 release was really a good one.
  18. How in the world would the FBI set them up to commit acts of terror and still end up having them arrested. These guys are unbelievable most of the time. I do agree @Technoabout trying to understand what triggers the extremist and try to correct it when it's not off the point of no return. Where I have stern point is on those that have extremists radicalized. They deserve the nailing hard!!!
  19. It's actually going to do him a lot of good should he get a channel. It would get him even the support he needs if it comes across the right people.
  20. I should be planning on getting an iPhone as soon as possible is what they are getting me to put in budget now 😩..
  21. You would definitely pay $60 for it if you really want to play it now or you would have to wait for at least 4 months or more before you would get it cheaper.
  22. Ever since the mess up with Cyberpunk 2077 in its release, I never played it again but it seems like I would be getting into it soon.
  23. One thing that I love so much about this guy's review is how he always adds humor in all his reviews and it's makes it fun to watch.
  24. If VR is overrated, they wouldn't still be making it and it won't be getting all the publicity it's been getting for a while now.
  25. Nintendo is probably working out strategy to get NTFs in their games since they are in support of it. They are most likely not buying any new studio.
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