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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. Well, I'm only going to have my say on the game when I eventually get to play and complete Dying Light 2.
  2. Here is the game's trailer. I hope it's something that's going to interest you in a way.
  3. I actually noticed that and almost commented on it. But in few days time, it's definitely going to rock the gaming industry like never before.
  4. If you end up having a good strong head to hold your liquor, you will definitely enjoy drinking whenever the opportunity presents itself.
  5. No good business company wouldn't take an opportunity that's afforded them and it's exactly what Microsoft has done in this situation.
  6. Yeah, I think that's the basis of our discussions on the subject for a while now. The weapons are made to look heavy but in reality, they are not based on how it's used.
  7. Just take your time my friend and work on it very well. It's going to get better with time. Don't rush anything.
  8. Yeah, that's exactly what I was trying to say. I never went to any driving school to learn how to drive.
  9. The likes of @Shaggerand @Withywarlockwould definitely have something interesting to chip in on this. Let's all rally on this one guys.
  10. Some movies and animations would hit you that really good, you will definitely fall in love with them. It's how I enjoyed watching Avatar - The Last Air Bender.
  11. Seriously, play an Ebola video game at the same time when it was killing so many people wouldn't go down well with my psychology.
  12. To be really frank with you, I think they should just call it quits on the game and make something that's going to make up for their failure.
  13. Preferences differ from person to person and it's why we have so many games varieties in the gaming industry that gamers choose from.
  14. Seriously, I believe that EA FIFA games fans are the most gullible of all video games fans in the world!!!
  15. From every indications, it's something that looks like it's going to be a good game. Have you seen any reviews on the game yet?
  16. Both of them freaks me out to be very honest with you. I wouldn't choose any of them.
  17. Who's going to do the honors of starting a new topic on it? Would you mind @Reality vs Adventure?
  18. The question is whether it's possible to get to that level and the obvious answer is a BIG YES. It's definitely going to cost more but I'm sure it's going to be worth it.
  19. For the likes of us who learnt how to drive cars in real life all because we got into playing video games (car racing), it's definitely part of us.
  20. I have a friend who plays Top Eleven Football Manager and he spends more than £1000 on the game on monthly basis. Like it's very crazy!!
  21. Even though they are games made by the same company, there is no way they expected it to be the same thing with GTA. It's not possible, it's more like trying to recopy GTA which would be frowned at.
  22. What I can say to this is that I believe that people need to be given the opportunity to choose where they want to be, even if they showed some errors, there should be a system to correct and guide them back, but when they are presented that opportunity/chance but they choose to kick it, then they deserve all the sticks.
  23. The floor is always free to readjust and come back with something better than what you had... It's why we are here to learn.
  24. To be very honest with you, I really had high hopes they had something great cooking to reveal for us but... NOTHING!!!
  25. I haven't made use of GameFAQs that much, so I can't really say so much about how they run things there.
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