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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. How much have you played Sifu that just came out this month? What's the best thing about the game that you enjoy most?
  2. A hard copy lover of video games... That's nice mate. Are you a collector as well?
  3. Yeah, that's the point. If they plan on making the game on Red Dead Redemption 3, they would have to complete GTA 6 and then get into Red Dead Redemption 3 which wouldn't be immediately GTA 6 comes out.
  4. They are most likely going to do everything within their power to influence the market and worth they place on the company.
  5. If your uncle never figured out what to do with the game, there is always a slim chance that you would as well. Why did he get it in the first place! 😑
  6. Personally, I do love my woman being hairy. I love it when I caress the hairs all over her body. It might sound weird to some but it's what I like.
  7. If having monopoly is allowed in the US, they would most likely be willing to doing it in order to have control over the market.
  8. How realistic do you see Dying Light 2? It definitely looks like it's going to be far more better than the first release.
  9. Well, if they make any new announcements about making a new Red Dead Redemption 3, it's definitely going to take at least 2 to 3 more years to get it done.
  10. There are no two ways about it, when they aren't giving any details about when it's going to be out, there isn't much to do about it. I hope it comes out this year though.
  11. Seriously, it's not something that I can categorically say that would be out at any specific dates because I don't have any backroom information on that update.
  12. Seriously, they feel like the new cars are what matters now but they are so wrong. These old racing cars are beast in the making that thrives more in the race.
  13. Well, if you don't mind, I would like to add Red Dead online to the long list of games I never really liked that much.
  14. When is Rockstar even going to do something on The next Red Dead Redemption series? I know they have their hands full with GTA 6 but the game can't be abandoned for too long as well. At least it's 4 years in the making now...
  15. Yes of course, I don't really have much against the game. Yeah, there are some bugs here and there but it's not a big deal.
  16. Yeah, it's definitely more than 2000 hours already invested in the game because it something that I play every day at least 3 hours daily and 6 hours or more on weekends.
  17. You can check out this game Yakuza 0 - Kiryu on Playstation 4 as well. They seem like it's something similar.
  18. Is it something that's closer to this Yakuza 0 - Kiryu game on Playstation 4?
  19. To be very honest with you, I really wish he doesn't fail or fall my hand but whatever that happens, it's not going to ruin our relationship.
  20. If it's a very common problem with most users, I'm very sure that it's something they can't overlook and fix it immediately.
  21. Welcome to the world of video games fans indifferences. We are built that way and it's never going to change.
  22. At least 2 to 4 years is even too long for them to work out the game. They have other games they have abandoned for too long.
  23. It's a thing that has got to do with her psychology and personality. To be very honest with, I don't understand it as well.
  24. I have never seen who doesn't have an affection for the character of The Joker in all the movies he's appeared.
  25. Silly thing that EA would never get tired of repeating over and over again with their FIFA games.
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