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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. It's actually been ages since I have seen the preview of them game. Let me go and watch some playthrough on YouTube.
  2. I do drink but it's very obvious that you're a better drinker when it comes to how often you drink. Maybe Monster Energy Drink can sponsor such competition?
  3. All I can do is keep laughing at all those silly bugs that can easily be fixed with some patches if they never wanted it in the game.
  4. Graphics will definitely keep getting better and better. I watched Hercules today and appreciated how far graphics have improved in the movie and gaming industry.
  5. The worst and last thing they can do would be to rant all they want and BAN you in the end. They can't do more than that.
  6. Seriously, it's definitely always going to be very challenging for you having to need to get to your friend's house before you can play.
  7. The second picture over sells the sword more bigger than it actually looks. I know it's the camera 📸 shot angle.
  8. With Ubisoft considering to sell, and they aren't even worth that much to be around $6-7 billion, another swoop might happen.
  9. Here is IGN's review of the game Sifu. I hope it gives you everything that you are looking for.
  10. I hope that it's a relaxing video game for you to play on your Nintendo Switch? Unpacking is also another good one to play as well.
  11. I'm going to go to sleep now and hoping to see something nice and interesting in the morning. 🛏 🚶
  12. Haha, never assume that you know what's really going on in someone's else mind especially when it comes to their desires.
  13. I hope you have started out on some of the programs they have for you on the platform? How is it going?
  14. Seriously, I actually thought it would be any higher than that as well... How much did Microsoft pay for Zenimax?
  15. It's definitely going to be very difficult for them to do that from the looks of it with the new 1.5 and 1.51 updates. 1.52 is definitely coming up soon.
  16. So, we are currently on 11.3k posts and it's down to 700 more posts or thereabouts for us to hit 12k posts.
  17. Let it any game that I'm waiting for not delayed the way that Cyberpunk 2077 was delayed over and over again.
  18. Haha, the gods!! Are you being serious? I think that it's something even Microsoft can even do as well irrespective of already forking out a lot for Activision-Blizzard deal.
  19. Do you know what makes me very helpless whenever they do that is the look of innocence and pity on their faces 😂.. I'd ask myself what am I gonna do with you right now?
  20. I hope this helps you figure it out very easily. It's not that difficult, just a couple of drinking and passing out at the right spot, then waking up in Mexico.
  21. That's why I always love it whenever my mother comes around... She's one damn good cook and she enjoys doing it.
  22. I don't really think that any gamer fancies it when weapons don't have any sort of durability when used. That's pure frustration with class.
  23. There is a way the Netflix makes their movies so interesting that it's now the best place for me to watch anything.
  24. I think that based on what most gamers have been through with playing on Multiplayer games, they now draw closer to single player.
  25. Seriously, what's their agenda is what I can't seem to understand but where it's more shocking is that people are actually paying and playing the game.
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