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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. Most kids nowadays are no longer interested in most of the retro video games that made a lot of sense in the past.
  2. Seriously, it's one thing that's very common with Apple products, they are always too expensive for what they offer.
  3. I wouldn't really trust Google full time because they are good at stealing one's data and using it without their consent.
  4. Seriously, Unpacking is one of the most exciting, rewarding and relaxing video game that I have ever played in a very long time.
  5. That's why I'm not surprised about getting to hear they are open to being bought out if there are any takers. Shameful!!!
  6. Seriously, it's not really that crazy in my eyes because I have seen gamers do a lot worse when it comes to silly spending on games they are not supposed to.
  7. From the very first day of the game's launch, that's been the same story over and over again. Most gamers are tired of it already.
  8. Seriously, it's a big letdown for them to still me making use of the same thing for a very long time now. They should work out something new and sleek.
  9. Seriously, that's just about how all of them toxic gamers do. It's as their cock is too small they still can't feel comfortable but make a hell of noise about it.
  10. There is only one thing that scares me to death in this life and it's the fear of going broke (bankrupt) and I'm not sure if horror games can ever do that to me.
  11. Everything depends on what triggers my fears which would be able to interfere with my night sleep. Other than that, it's definitely going to be very difficult for such to happen.
  12. Well, with Horizon Forbidden West out already, my attention have shifted towards God of War Ragnarok.
  13. Just like your review on The Last Of Us Part II, I can't wait to see what you are getting written down with the game.
  14. Well, you can't count out Marvel's Avenger's from the worst of them all which most gamers never really liked at all.
  15. As far as I'm concerned, there are no big flaws in Red Dead Redemption 2. It was tailored down to perfection by all means.
  16. Seriously, the 500 hours is going to be a long stretch and by so doing more inflow of bugs and glitches in the game.
  17. Yeah, that's exactly what I thought because it's the same thing with my playing of FIFA games for over 10 years and even Top Eleven Football Manager for 5 years.
  18. Also waiting eagerly for the release of Gran Turismo 7. I think that I should get Sifu by next week.
  19. I came across this one that says - "Snapchat’s dog filter should have stayed in 2016... "
  20. I only have eyes on the upcoming God of War Ragnarok in the series. It's the only one that matters to much now.
  21. With the way they have angered their staff and fans based on their support for NTFs is really a big red flag for them. What's the company's net worth?
  22. And don't be surprised he's eaten the couch 🛋 already before even calling 911 😂...
  23. Yeah, it's definitely going to be a nice feeling getting the PlayStation 5 from him. I'm not being too hopeful on it, so I don't get disappointed when it doesn't come through.
  24. Well, that's one bugger. Never expect what you had in mind from these guys because they are always ready to disappoint.
  25. If the use of VR headset causes me nausea, it's definitely going to be very difficult for me to make use of it as it's detrimental to my health.
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