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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. I LOVE FOOD AND DRINKS!!! Seriously, I can't stress them more than enough 😂.
  2. That's interesting. Then if you do then with Microsoft windows gaming PC, then you can enjoy the services of Xbox Gamepass.
  3. It's definitely not a path that I would ever be willing to set for myself because I know very well that it's not worth it.
  4. You're welcome, it's not a big deal. I only did a part in it, it's @killamch89that made the first recommendation.
  5. Seriously, my brother finds it very difficult to get into online gaming. His last experience was with Red Dead online, he really hated it.
  6. I believe that there are so many of them out there which you can actually play. It all depends on the kind of games you like to play.
  7. The update on Cyberpunk 2077 version 1.5 information was sourced through IGN for me and it was a wonderful one.
  8. Yeah, that's very correct. They tap into the humor part of the show and it's what people really need in this difficult world.
  9. There are some obvious reasons why 2021 was generally affected in the world of gaming. But it seems like 2022 would be a better one to witness.
  10. You're quite correct from that assessment, there is a big possibility that they might have the game delayed if it's not announced sooner.
  11. They are working on Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection. Although, they are yet to announce the date of its release which is supposed to this year 2022.
  12. Which is a very wise decision in my opinion. Good job.
  13. Seriously, it's something that I have come to realize that some of the doctrines they teach us, is always twisted to their needs.
  14. It's a community that helps those who are addicted to porn to get a grip of themselves and beat the addiction. Here is their website. https://nofap.com/
  15. Haha, he's definitely getting thrown out the window if it's my food he did that to 😂.
  16. This is exactly how it works for most gamers. Mr A may be comfortable with a particular game designs which it sucks for Mr B.
  17. Seriously, a lot of gamers have seen worst online in most multi-player video games which makes most of them tend to turn away from them.
  18. What's the last 2D video games that you played recently?
  19. He did mentioned that his father owned a pub, so it runs his blood already.
  20. Yeah exactly, it works both ways for the community. You get more information from other sources and you share here as well. It's a win win situation for all.
  21. Yeah, that's most likely what's going to happen until some weird gamers would shock you and keep paying for them.
  22. That's one hell of a rap battle 😂. These guys look hilarious.
  23. Most the Assassin's Creed games offers impressive locations. I don't even know the best one to pick out from them.
  24. It's the Tuna Fish Sword. You know a Tuna is a fish species right? So, it's a sword made in the image of Tuna.
  25. So, a friend of mine is just trying to get into playing all the GTA games starting from GTA 1. It's definitely going to be an uphill task for him.
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