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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. I have seen the page and some of its contents. He makes them with one odd language that I don't even understand that much. Although I picked up a few things.
  2. I do believe that too. They have a lot of work of promotion to add in the game before it grows as it should.
  3. Getting Playstation 5 is completely out of my budget for now, so it's me and my Playstation 4. At least, the game would run perfectly on it.
  4. Sometimes I see the fans as a problem here as well because they keep adding fuel to their acts and always support them.
  5. Yeah, they are definitely going to do what's best for their business irrespective of what their fans look up to.
  6. It's only going to matter much to some who's into mobile gaming more than any other gaming platform. It doesn't make sense if you ask me but it certainly would to others.
  7. I never played the game but that looks very silly from how you explained that. How can they make the games like this? It's above laziness.
  8. If it's something that really interests you to get into, I'm very sure that you will get back into it and do more better right...
  9. Yeah, that's pretty much their pattern. It works for me either way, at least I have Playstation 4 to play it with.
  10. Over 2000 hours in all flight sims that you have played? How many of them have you been playing and for how long have you been playing them?
  11. Yeah, the graphics of Microsoft Flight Simulator was something that really stood out in the game for me.
  12. When everything that's involved in VR is all set, the video game industry is going to come out in a whole different direction that's going to be incredibly sweet.
  13. It's been ages since I have layed my hands on physical copies of video games magazines. I do check some out online a few times.
  14. I'm currently holding my breath for Elden Ring, even though I'm interested in playing Horizon Forbidden West that's out already.
  15. As long as you are able to monitor what your kids play, it's definitely going make their gaming a healthy experience and exercise for them.
  16. Things will definitely keep getting better and better when it comes to how good video game's graphics is going to be turning out in the future.
  17. What matters to me that much is how enjoyable the game presented itself and not the design most of the time.
  18. The guy is a hard completionist. So, there is possibility that he's going for the apex reach.
  19. Let's keep our fingers crossed then and wait on them endlessly for how long 😩...?
  20. I hardly play games on my smartphone as of late for the past 2 years since I have my Nintendo Switch to play with all the time.
  21. Yeah, it's definitely based on the eyes of who's playing a said game at any point in time and that's something that might differ from another's point of view.
  22. Thanks for the suggestions my friend. I really needed to forget so many things on my mind last night and that's why the drink. I'm not that too much into drinks, it's once in a while I do drinks.
  23. Yeah, it never mattered to me which one I played out first. If it was GTA 6 that's been made that I came into first, I would play it.
  24. To be very honest with you, the world of football is definitely going to take too long for it to be sucked dried in game's making.
  25. You should start making plans on how to get the game already because it's out already. A friend of mine already downloaded for his PS4.
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