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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. How many hours have you given into playing the game?
  2. It's basically what bugs me because I know very well that when a game drags for too long, gamers lose interest just like what happened to Cyberpunk 2077.
  3. According to Nintendo's president Shuntaro Furukawa, he's made it very clear that they are not going to add another studio to their brand like Sony and Microsoft. https://www.gamesradar.com/nintendo-president-says-buying-a-big-studio-would-not-be-a-plus-to-the-company/
  4. As long as it's within my scope to have the characters as I see fit, I'm definitely going to have it more better than the developers have it for me.
  5. Heatman


    If the game gets released on multiple platforms at once, it's definitely going to interested the number of gamers getting into the game.
  6. Grove Street Games probably felt they can do the game as they see fit and nothing is going to happen but they shoot themselves in the leg.
  7. Call of Duty Warzone is particularly one of the best Call of Duty games series as far as I'm concerned.
  8. Seriously mate!!! Which one is Avalanche community? I don't think there is any gaming community called that 😂..
  9. Yeah, it's a fun game in general. I did enjoyed playing it. I might still play it all over again.
  10. Could it be a marketing strategy or promotion? Maybe to have the games generating traffic and make gamers carve it more before it's out.
  11. When exactly is it coming out because I have a lot of games that I'm playing on getting this year, so I know how to fix it up in my schedule.
  12. Here is a guy's YouTube channel about one event that's played in the game. Apolo Rock, he's a good trainer.
  13. Yeah, it looks good enough from what I saw in the trailer. I think that I might look into getting the game.
  14. A very few of them compared to the avalanche of toxic communities we have out there today.
  15. Yeah, that's very correct. Although, I personally have a big like towards The Simpsons. I like the animation a lot.
  16. Well, Xbox offer Gamepass services while Playstation offer PS Now/ PS Infinite services.
  17. Heatman


    Well, it's not been up to 2 years since I got mine, so it's still very new and young for me have high flair for playing with it.
  18. I'm definitely going to retry it when I must have recovered my wits because as of now, they have left me 😂.
  19. You can actually add - The Tuna Sword in Phantasy Star Online II (2012). It's one hell of an odd funny weapon.
  20. It's actually the lessons that gets me right back to playing the all over again when I have the time to get into it again.
  21. There was a page where I read someone asking for a new console of the Nintendo Switch to be made and I'm like, is he for real. Nintendo Switch that's just few 5 years old.
  22. You're definitely paying me for making you laugh. Being a comedian comes with a fat paycheck.
  23. Typo mistakes are very common in this kind of situations, so it's not really a big deal for me to reason them at all.
  24. Seriously, it's something that I have to consider now because I really need to get the game as soon as possible.
  25. Haven't really seen much on the game yet, so I decided to get its trailer and it looks interesting to play.
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