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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. The 500 hours of gameplay for Dying Light 2 is going to be big thing for most people who don't have much time reserved for gaming.
  2. My mood affects my gaming generally and not just my reaction to some of the games. If my mood is piss poor, so would my gaming be.
  3. It's not easy running a forum that big because VGR is that big. I'm very sure that the administrator is going to do something about it sooner or later when it comes to him that he needs to give more power to his mod.
  4. He's definitely eating outside from that point 😂.
  5. Seriously, like any time when I see a bike, the flashes of the bike accident keeps coming back to me and it's not a good one.
  6. This is actually why till date, I'm still in love with my Sega Genesis console. It's uniqueness sets it apart from the crowd.
  7. It's definitely not easy to overcome porn addiction that's connected to masturbation. You sure do have a way to be controlling it a bit, just don't give up till you have it beaten.
  8. That's very true, with any slight thing, because would want to take advantage of the law and it's really funny these days.
  9. If I have my way, it's going to be on Playstation 5 but that's not going to happen because it's PS4 that I have for myself now.
  10. Heatman


    They had to release the game on other platforms because it's one way to help it penetrate the gaming market very quickly.
  11. Heatman


    Well, some arcade level graphics in arcade games really matter to a good number of classic gamers out there today.
  12. My cousin don't joke with the game. It's like what matters to him more than any other kind of video games and I can't seem to understand why.
  13. My smartphone is very important to me. It's why I had to get Nintendo Switch to aid the smartphone to last longer.
  14. I was really devastated about what they did with Battlefield 2042. I never expected that to happen and I was actually campaigning for the game.
  15. Seriously, sometimes I ask myself why do these video games companies makes such sick games? It's not like they don't know it's crap.
  16. Yeah, that's a big impression on how the game was made. If they can recreate that, it's definitely going to awesome.
  17. Well, I have already moved on from what happened with the game and just looking forward to having a better GTA 6. As for their 2k wrestling games, I'm done.
  18. Haha, it's something that's very common when you have so many things that need your attention. You can't dwell on such games for too long.
  19. Yeah, most of the time during weekends, I seem to have ample time to play more than 6 hours if something never comes up.
  20. Yeah, from all multiple sources, it seems like it's set up to one of the greatest games we are yet to see and have play.
  21. The only thing that matters to me is that the game should be a top notch Soul's game that's going to wow my gaming experience.
  22. Why would I be happy to lose? But it's not something that I'm going to kill myself over. The lesson learnt is very important.
  23. If gamers knows how to have one voice, these companies wouldn't be doing all their shit they doing with us with what they make.
  24. Wow, I was never aware and someone was asking me about they last week. I'm passing this along now.
  25. I think that some just like being silent member or something. They come navigate through, get the information they need and bolt away.
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