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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. With mentioning that Iron teeth, I think that he's referring to dried beans and not the fresh ones I guess..
  2. 8 years might be too long to wait for the game but who knows, some fans can really wait that long if they do love the game the way they love GTA series.
  3. I don't think there is anyone in my state who makes use of smartphone that doesn't have WhatsApp messenger in their phones 😂.
  4. Finally, he's got his request. Anyways, good job for doing your job properly at least this one didn't disintegrate like some kind of conflict we have had with my guy @m76in the past. So all is good 👍.
  5. Of course yes, it gets easier whenever you get to replay a session because you already know what to look out for and combat it properly.
  6. Seriously, the surge in COVID-19 cases is really messing a lot of things up and don't be surprised that it may affect some game's release this year 2022.
  7. It's just a share false publicity that's pushing the game as the best when it comes to live service video game because as far as I know what real gaming entails, it's just crap.
  8. So, what's the essence of having and using a gun that can't kill what you want to kill with it?
  9. Yeah, it's exactly the same thing with how I operate to when it comes to some games and how I purchase them.
  10. I can't seem to understand what or why you keep posting things that are out of point with respect to discussion.. Why?
  11. If they like, let them have it ruined. Like it's my project that's going to suffer at the end of their mess up right?
  12. Why in the world would they have to rename a thread all because it's not good with your perception? You really have a big problem mate!!
  13. There is actually nothing wrong with having video games to be historically accurate because it adds more realness to the game.
  14. It's only when the music is very annoying that it's getting turned off and getting induced with an outside music.
  15. Well, for most of the gamers that I have known to play the game, they all did enjoyed playing the game literally.
  16. Seriously, I wish that I had that kind of privilege because it would have really been awesome for me.
  17. Microsoft is one of the biggest deals in the gaming industry right now with the kind of deals they are pulling off recently.
  18. After I sent the review of The Last Of Us Part II done here by Shagger to my friend in US, he got the game right away.
  19. Even with their recent acquisition of Activision is a big and bold statement right across the face of Sony that the game is on.
  20. Yeah, they really worked hard for them to get better and to that level, and they are never going to let it slip up easily.
  21. Yeah exactly, the guy never had much to do in such situation but move on regardless.
  22. There might be Red Dead Redemption series too from the looks of it. I think it's where Rockstar is going to work next after GTA 6.
  23. It's going to be released on both the platform of PlayStation 4 and Playstation 5 on the 18th.
  24. It's seriously got something to do with the the lead character of the movie 007.
  25. It have actually been working very well for them mostly, otherwise they are going to find it very difficult to cope well.
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