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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. No, No, No, Rockstar never announced anything about the release or development of GTA 6 last year.
  2. I think that it's Horizon Forbidden West which is getting released on the 18th of February this month.
  3. Exactly, and that's what have really helped them be that good when it comes to getting other countries look up to them for business deals.
  4. Nuke them all at once if I have that firepower to take them out in a way it's not going to be very difficult for me.
  5. Seriously, that announcement took a lot pressure off gamers with their speculation on whether it's been worked on or not.
  6. Some people are just like that and there is nothing that you can do about that because it's who they are.
  7. I'm definitely seeing that movie all over again because it was really an amazing movie. I never looked through that WatchMojo review of it before.
  8. Over the years, getting into playing mobile games have been very challenging for me but I still try to give my best to it and be open.
  9. Just few days and some of these games would be dropping out already. It's no longer that too far from happening.
  10. They are very self sufficient and it's why they don't really care much about what other people think but look out for themselves.
  11. A friend of mine was banned from one for not being a native of UK according to the admin as his reason for the ban.
  12. There is no doubt that 2022 is definitely going to be a far more better year than 2021 when it comes to games that's coming out.
  13. It's not like they are not taxing those companies but still in the end have them banned from operating. I think China 🇨🇳 smokes sometimes as a country.
  14. I was kicked out of one for simply disagreeing with his opinion on some issues. I was like what the hell!!!
  15. I don't think there is any better way to explain exactly what religion has been in the world for centuries it's been dumped on humanity.
  16. I don't think that if it's just for a payment option, that we would anything but worried about it at all..? In fact, it's going to be a welcoming development.
  17. There is possibility that might happen or not happen. It's all open to share open chance in my opinion. Although, it's definitely not going to stop Xbox gamers to stop playing the series.
  18. It's either 2013 Mercedes-Benz Vision or 2007 Ferrari FXX for me.
  19. Seriously, I don't really like it when a game forces me to take any particular paths because it's like getting them to make my decisions for me.
  20. With the way that made me laugh now, my friend who's here with was like guy are you sure that you're alright? I even laughed harder.
  21. I completely agree with you on this one. They seems to have lost it a very long time ago and I'm not sure they are ever going to fix it.
  22. One thing that makes the female counterpart unique to the mix is that they seem to have more connection with their emotions when they play than the way men do... I might be wrong though.
  23. Yeah exactly, it looks like it's going to be a speedy year we have on our deck this year.
  24. Haha, this is absolutely hilarious. Where did you dig this out from? It's really just made my night for me honestly..
  25. It's only going to affect them on the short run till they get the game series under wraps again and having it as exclusive would better them more.
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