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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. You can actually get some tips on how to do them - pendulum and sync summons from YouTube channels I think.
  2. Seriously, why haven't any of these lawsuit been able to put a big dent in the company's existence till now?
  3. Yeah, that's correct but I really think that 2022 is most likely going to cover up for all we missed out in 2021 with all the pending releases that are very close.
  4. Having a good time playing The Saboteur am open world third person shooting games based on World War II.
  5. Yeah, that's sure. I used to be too religious in the past and they did filled my head with all that crap of being near to death makes you see flashes of all your lives worth... What nonsense!!
  6. Seriously, that's the point they all need to come to understand. In as much as we all want the game released, we can equally wait for it to be done well.
  7. I actually thought of that as well because it seems like there is a lot of pressure on them to meet up after Microsoft purchase of Activision. They wouldn't be logical in price negotiation now.
  8. Of course yes, it was a sweet deal every other company would have been willing to scoop up but Microsoft was way faster.
  9. Haha, do you want to have STROKE? 🙄
  10. Some of the combat systems of the game were off for me. Although, it's more like how it was at the time of Vietnam War.
  11. Seriously, I really think that it's a bad move from Nintendo getting caught up in such drama if you ask me. They should have better things to do with better deals.
  12. I was going to consider them for having team Bioshock behind them but for how worthless Fractured Butthole came out, I have had a change of mind.
  13. This is a kind of games that Square Enix are lately good at making recently. It looks averagely good in my eyes.
  14. It's actually the chaos in the graphics that really attracted me to the game. It's the only thing that I'm going to consider the game for.
  15. Heatman


    I'm going to pass on this one, it doesn't look like something that's going to offer me much satisfaction which is very important for my gaming life.
  16. I'm not sure if I have played this kind of game in the past but I'm willing to give this one a try and see what happens.
  17. 500 hours or more in just one game? What are they going to have filled in the game for God sake? Are they trying to kill us for complaining of lack of gameplay in the past?
  18. Who cares about what he says and he's going call gamers dumb for not being willing to give them more money eeh 😂 😂..
  19. Before the GTA 6 would be developed, completed and released, GTA 5 would most likely cross 180 million unit.
  20. So now, Microsoft gave them all a wake up call into an all out buy out action. They are definitely going to panic buy in some cases if they are not careful.
  21. Wow, that's super interesting. It's most likely going to beat the single service of Gamepass from the look of things. Playstation is really upping their game.
  22. We both know how lazy EA can be when it comes to not making enough unique gameplay in games but repeat segments on several occasions.
  23. If you look at the most game on Steam's wishlist, it's Elden Ring that's topping the chart. I do look forward to getting the game when it's released.
  24. Wow, that's interesting for mobile gamers. I know a few guys that are going to be very much interested in playing it on mobile.
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