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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. No Time to Die is not yet out in games but only in the movie. It's actually the last release of James Bond movies where Bond died.
  2. Even though that I don't really like puzzle games but I do fancy the one's in Tomb Raider. They are such a job to play.
  3. Anything that's good for you sanity should be your priority. So, you stick to that and be good because in the end, what matters is only you.
  4. And if he ever says no, he's getting dealt with asap. VID-20220209-WA0002.mp4
  5. Like they are ever satisfied with the income they make? They are not, it's why they keep doing the rubbish they do always.
  6. And the game new Texas chainsaw massacre is even based on a true life event. I'd like to see another one too.
  7. My unpopular opinion about Religion is that it's just a political tool which is a way the church control the masses.. 😂
  8. Now, how do I do this calculation eeh?
  9. Oh, that's nice. I will look for it here and hope they don't ask me for a doctor's prescription.
  10. Yeah, that's for sure something that I'm looking forward to having Capcom do in their next release of RE to be in third person. I really prefer it more than 1st person shooting games.
  11. When betrayal comes from the people we'd least expect it from, it's always very painful and difficult to forget. I even doubt if I ever forget anything in my life especially the one's that hurt me.
  12. My brother did that very with me when we were playing The Punisher on Sega Genesis. It gets to a point where it frustrates him so much he would ask me for help getting through.
  13. Well, in my book that's how game's companies should work with their games. If the first release isn't that good, fix and upgrade it in the next release and so on.
  14. I know that's something which you can't easily get away from if it comes out in a way that you are willing to play it.
  15. The restrictions are no longer as it used to be. So many restaurants are open here but we still strongly observe all protocols.
  16. I have seen Power Horse brand on so many football teams jerseys and it's a deal that brings about huge financial gains for both parties.
  17. And to be honest with you, most of the time, the in game soundtracks and music are always so good you can't turn them off.
  18. It's actually why when some parents are afraid of allowing their kids get into gaming by preventing them, I totally understand.
  19. Seriously, it's the same thing with everyone, because they have been in bed with Rockstar for long, so they are supposed to do a good job and Rockstar knows that which was why they gave them the job.
  20. There is actually a very big difference between how Rockstar runs their show and how EA does with their FIFA games.
  21. It can only get better for the game once FromSoftware Inc makes sure to follow all due standards and make an excellent game.
  22. I never asked you to back my claim or anything. And it's not even a claim but my observations from playing the game for more than 4 years now.
  23. Yeah, that's for sure. Having both of them, is definitely far more better and good than having just either of them.
  24. I think it's @Crazycrabthat shared a YouTube video of some of those food and they look very yummy 😋.
  25. Personally, I don't really know if it's something that I'm going to open to making use of. I'm tired of flip open smartphone.
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