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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. Exactly, it's why they pick out good brands to represent in their games because of its impact on the both in the market and money PR.
  2. Seriously, 2020 was a far more better year when it comes to game's releases unlike what we had in 2021. Hopefully, 2022 is going to more better.
  3. It's most likely why they have never released another one since 2011 till now which has been a very long time.
  4. Seriously, it's a lost cause trying to fight such set. It's all about what he wants that goes and the rest are dispensable for them.
  5. I already have the game Hitman 3. I actually tried rush playing it but decided not to in order to enjoy the game better.
  6. I don't think that it's difficult for them to cut off each platform off the game. It's just few optimization and it's sorted out.
  7. Working out games in your subconscious before playing the game would even make you spend less time playing the game because you will have a working strategy already that helps you complete the game faster.
  8. Please, what's the relationship between EA and Take Two Interactive Software? I don't think they have any connection whatsoever.
  9. When EA doesn't know what new to add to FIFA games but only to copy old games and tune it up and release it again, I'm weak for them.
  10. The only justification for the gaming companies is the money they are going to be making from having NTFs in games.
  11. Seriously, let single player be single player and multi player the same. It offers all what they really want and not stress it out.
  12. Imagine 😂... Sinks wearing the iron boots 👢 but floats when carrying them. What's the difference 😂.. The look on his face says it all 😍
  13. It's actually very fun for them playing in that manner, otherwise they wouldn't be too serious about it always like they used to be.
  14. Well, that's true what you have mentioned about the speculation on the extinction of game's physical copies. It's not happened yet, but the demand have reduced drastically.
  15. More like some certain part or scenes in the movie triggering one's phobia.
  16. Seriously, I keep asking myself why so much sugar in it? Even the so called diet coke, still contains sweeteners.
  17. Well, to be very honest with you, that's not even weird for me anymore because I have seen in our generation where some mate with dogs and horses. Some humans are really sick nowadays.
  18. The obvious reason why I'm having a good time with playing on my Nintendo Switch for a while now. It seems like it's something I'd do for a long time than I planned.
  19. I was surprised he didn't know that Polyphony Digital's was behind the game Gran Turismo. Although, it might be a mind skip thing. But it's not only Polyphony Digital's that's behind the development of Gran Turismo.
  20. I wouldn't say that the games quality is low. It's just the size that's a good fit for smartphone. Yeah, probably one day, they will branch it out to mobile.
  21. Yeah, even if it's not all those AAA games, any game would do in my opinion. It's actually a good marketing strategy.
  22. Seriously, it's something that's happened to me on countless occasions. I have even given some away, even the ones in physical copies too.
  23. Seriously, and it really sucks hard when you have to wake up in the morning and get ready for work.
  24. Seriously, why can't gamers online respect themselves? I wonder what really broke human beings like we are now. It's really disappointing.
  25. They were just being too lazy to do it themselves because I don't see any reason why they should have outsourced the job.
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