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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. Personally, I never really like playing Minecraft games, and come to look at the graphics of this one which totally sucks!!
  2. I'm not really that too deep into playing puzzle games but I have some good friends that I can recommend it to.
  3. Yeah, they are on Twitter, I have been following them for a while now and they have good updates too always.
  4. It wasn't on android too when I checked the last time. I'm still going to check it out once again and hopefully it's out on it.
  5. Some gamers actually like the friend request most of the time as it helps them to connect with one another.
  6. I don't have to play on all of them at once. I pick out the one that interests me to play one at a time. It's how I manage my gaming.
  7. It's a very good thing for those who play on mobile phones. Although, I know it's going to be rigged with lots of microtransactions still.
  8. I also have serious trust issues my friend because I have been stabbed in the back more than once by some people I never believed would have - my best friend. I let him in my home and he impregnated my sister behind my back. It ruined every trust that I have for human beings.
  9. And to think of it, their hardcore fans makes a strong stand for them in full support for their nonsense. It's quite shameful.
  10. It's a shame that gamers can't really make a stand against such laziness by developers when it comes how they make dungeons but indulge them.
  11. I can't help it but appreciate the information here on how to design dungeons.
  12. You're quite correct about Forza horizon DLC. I usually felt it's something that's going to be completed quickly but I was so wrong.
  13. Seriously, they take pride in doing that kind of shit to newbies. Maybe they got the same treatment when they joined and they are giving it back to the next one in line.
  14. Probably there is an invisible bag that's got and unending pit where all the weapons and props go in. It's very funny sometimes seeing all that.
  15. This really looks delicious 😋 for all manner cravings that I have. I have a liking for the Beef Stew in Red Dead Redemption 2.
  16. I take time for me to get into playing multiplayer games recently because I'm more happy when I play single player games.
  17. You mean like Coke soft drinks? I don't taste that for the reason of containing too much sugar.
  18. I equally love them minions very well especially when they play stupid and the way they talk and run 😂. It's very hilarious.
  19. They know very well that making use of Netflix app would definitely help to sell the game more because of usage of the app.
  20. This looks ways better than the Subway Surf I used to play on my smartphone. I like this one to be very honest with you.
  21. Heatman


    Seriously, that's one of the biggest challenges facing such games with what their developers do in a short period of time.
  22. Final Fantasy games will always be my best pick of Square Enix games until they make something that beats the game.
  23. When you stab someone in the back for whatever reasons you have, you should equally expect to be melted the same treatment as well.
  24. And when that's done and dusted, we are already getting ready for this month battle. It's only going to get tougher from now onwards.
  25. I think that I have watch this as an animation, I'm not really that sure anymore because it's been a very long time but I'm glad to watch the video now.
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