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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. Yeah, that's very correct on how the movie was made. You really did remember a lot of stuffs in the movie till now.
  2. This looks nice. I'm going to check it on my PS4 and if it's good for the price, I can simply get and try it out.
  3. If care isn't taken, it's definitely going to get bigger in the next release of the Call of Duty series from the way I'm seeing it.
  4. They definitely saw their mistakes and corrected it immediately. It's why most gamers looked past the letdown.
  5. If they don't improve on the game, it's only going to mean one thing for it and it's gamers dropping it like they did Battlefield 2042 now.
  6. I don't know why all these Islamic countries are always too filled with wars and all sort of evil stuff. Just look at Syria 🇸🇾 today, that country is damaged to the core.
  7. Yes of course, it's just the main reason why I do get into side quests all the time especially when they are worth it.
  8. Yeah, that's relatively the case with such games. I do have a high anticipation on the development and release of GTA 6, GT 7 and Day Light 2.
  9. I'm not sure if that's possible for now but I will look into it and see what I can find out for you within a short period of time.
  10. Yeah, that's definitely odd and it's actually why one of guys don't really care about car collection in the game as they aren't really necessary.
  11. Yeah, that's correct and it's actually why I do have high regards for both of them because they were decent production.
  12. Seriously, I wouldn't let it get to that level with any gamer online, in fact, I'm definitely leaving the moment things get out of hand.
  13. I never dared to enter that gaming community of Minecraft for any reason whatsoever because I know very well that I won't last in it.
  14. Seriously, it's one of the biggest challenges for most gamers and I try not to get into any games if I'm not ready to play.
  15. There is no need trying to over do stuff when you already know the outcome of what it's going to be in the with or without your decision.
  16. I never really reasoned that location where Arthur Morgan was killed. It's a nice pick out for you.
  17. It's the 1967 Chevrolet Impala that they used in the movie. I personally love the car and my uncle still drives one.
  18. Wow, doing that is most likely to keep you all sharp for the game once it's released in terms of being very familiar with its unique combat controls.
  19. Yeah, that's very correct because I'm very sure that fact has already been established a long time ago in the game industry.
  20. That's completely true, someone would come and tell you that it's FIFA 22 that's the best game of this generation for him and it's what it is for him.
  21. Nah, don't worry about it. I'm cool. It's not a big deal for me. Gay or no gay, I don't have anything against one's choice of lifestyle, so I respect them.
  22. With the way Nintendo is hooked on switch, it's definitely going to be very hard for another company to rival them in that sphere.
  23. As long as you have a way to add music to the fold, it's definitely not going to be a problem with no music in the game.
  24. Seriously, I'm not sure if it's something they would arrive at eventually, especially if it's an EA game.
  25. Consoles are definitely not meant for games modding, it's the biggest advantage PC have other them in my opinion.
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