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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. I don't really know if you would ever gets games cheaper on Amazon from my experience with making use of them sometimes.
  2. Dead Space is another game that's practically ruined by EA when they moved away from the initial perspective of the game when they sought after money like always!! As the new series comes out, the more messed up it gets.
  3. I saw an update recently on where PC gamers mod turned Kratos into a very funny character with his eyes so big and almost popped out. It was very funny.
  4. The simple truth is that under once isn't enough for them to set up all that's going on to make the game perfect when released.
  5. It's actually the kind of work that's involved in playing Minecraft that pushed me far away from it. When you see who's good at playing, it's an awesome game.
  6. Aren't mobile games always overrated? It's how I have seen them for a while now.
  7. Companies do that all the time and it's not limited to video games companies because they all set up to promote and sell their products.
  8. It's not only you that went MIA for a while just like my friend @killamch89but I'm glad that you are back now.
  9. Borderlands Dlcs are definitely among the top 10 best DLCs in the game from my experience on the game. It's well structured and narrowed down to point.
  10. That's the first one that came to my mind immediately but you have done the honors already. Although, Hearts of Stone DLC was quite long with 19 hours for playthroughs and 10 hours of story content.
  11. Seriously, that's why I moving on from mobile gaming for a while now because the project seems to be all about the money now.
  12. I did progressed to a reasonable extent in playing the game, although I have stopped playing it for now but will definitely get back to it.
  13. A lot of horrible things was done during the Vietnam War and in the end, it was the poor people that suffered it the most. It's why I don't approve of anything that allows the military to take power.
  14. If anyone gifts me any of the Xbox Series X console, I'm definitely giving up on getting PS5.
  15. Seriously, I believe it's even why they don't even feel the bugs and glitches that comes in the games they tested and approved for its release with bugs.
  16. For the fact that Santa Monica Studio had to delay the game's release in other to have it well Developed means that they have a big thing cooking up for us.
  17. Thanks for sharing this because it's really very informative about the beginning of Marble Madness and how it's been so far.
  18. It's actually why I felt like having the platform hacked and get him kicked out of it would really solve the problem.
  19. I thought that I was the only one he did that to because I had €15 refunded back to him and that's the end of it.
  20. I'm a little bit bored and down because of the BTC dip. The shit is ripping me apart 😩!!!
  21. It's actually what happens when a trend comes out. Everyone would like to take part in it and then pull out later if it's not worth it.
  22. Exactly, it's really not necessary to pre order the game now and if I do, it's definitely going to be one of those decisions that pisses me off in the end when it's too late.
  23. The trailer of the game Forbidden Horizon West says it all about how good the game's graphics are intensified.
  24. You're lucky that it was obvious for your parents to find out because some addiction gets the person depressed and he locks up till its too late.
  25. Exactly, they are cinematic trailers for a reason and it's why I prefer gameplay trailer because it's where the real deal is portrayed.
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