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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. It's just like how I got attached to playing of Red Dead Redemption 2 and God of War series because the exploration one can enjoy in the game.
  2. As far as I'm concerned right now, what's more important for me is having the game released to put everything to bed with all the critics.
  3. Did you enjoyed playing it as a Demo? If yes, why not get it for your Xbox Or Playstation console depending on which one you play with?
  4. I tried that when I was still a teenager and it was a very boring experience for me and I had to drop it immediately.
  5. The real question is whether any gamer would have the resources to rebuilt it all from scratch? The answer is absolutely NO!!
  6. Seriously, the end of it is to drop the video game and stop playing immediately and everything is over already for the game.
  7. I believe that anything happen after their mutual contract ends with the company but either way, I'm very happy with how things have progressed.
  8. This is a little bit off topic but I must chip it in... I'm not sure if it's only that feels bugged when a fellow guy calls "dearie"?
  9. I simply can't wait for 2022 games to start dropping for us to begin with discussions on the best as well as favorite 2022 games 😂.
  10. If they made that possible, they are definitely going to lose out on the benefits they could have gotten from getting gamers to go through all the side quests.
  11. Seriously, that's why I really appreciate any game's collector out there because they are really helping to save a history that would have been lost forever.
  12. It's the good thing about suggesting something or anything to someone, they are always open to taking it or leaving it.
  13. Hitman 3 is my favorite of the game's series so far and you're very correct about how vast the game is when it comes to its scope of play.
  14. Definitely, it's to each their own but it doesn't change the fact on what's true. Smoking is never a good thing, if it is, why do doctor's recommend one to stop smoking when they have certain health problems? Anyways, we are all entitled to our individual opinions.
  15. It actually happened to me the very first time I played the game. It took me a while before I was able to adjust myself to the game.
  16. Some are proper 100% fictional make up and not anything to do with real life events or history!!
  17. Yeah exactly, that's just the most annoying thing about how EA runs their gaming policies. I'm very sure that they get a lot of feedback on their official pages but they don't do anything about it.
  18. Seriously, it was a very challenging game when compared to other racing games and how its driving goes like in Gran Turismo and Need for Speed.
  19. Of course yes, Gameboy was a very popular game back then. I sneaked into my classroom with mine on multiple occasions.
  20. Well, that's only likely to happen if the game comes as a recommendation and after careful evaluation of the game, I might get it.
  21. As long as I have my satisfaction in both ways of playing the game with music and without music, I'm definitely not going to worry about it.
  22. I do that mostly all the time unless I don't have the relaxed mind and time to really play the game at that particular moment.
  23. Seriously, that's what gets frustrating for me with playing FIFA games. Because it's always too rushed to come out each, they don't get excellent with its making.
  24. It's actually makes stealth games stand out from other kind of games. The sneak up and eliminate is very thrilling.
  25. You're very much welcome once again to the community. I really missed your car discussions and you're already at it.
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