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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. With the way graphics was used in the movie, the car really looked like a beast and was very scary.
  2. It was actually very hard for me at this spot in the game. I never really felt good afterwards as a result of that.
  3. Just trying to picture someone doing that is really funny. I'm having a good Sunday already!!
  4. If Capcom have any simple sense, they are definitely going to follow on the game at least anytime sooner because it's a game that really gave something that's worth it like RE 4.
  5. There are so many discretions as to why people make their decisions on vote. Someone might vote for you because of your sense of humor and so on.
  6. It's the best decision of your year in gaming to avoid GTA trilogy like a plague. San Andreas is definitely a good guy.
  7. What was the most difficult thing for you to adapt to when playing with your cousin's PC and what's the first game you ever played on it?
  8. Some fans did argued that he won Euro and Champions league, so he deserved the spot on the list.
  9. I think that it's something that FromSoftware Inc can pull off in a good way or Santa Monica Studio can develop well.
  10. Seriously, that's something to be considered very well because EA would never embark on any game project they wouldn't milk the gamers to the death.
  11. If there is way to get to know how much hits that's required to defeat the enemy, it wouldn't have mattered if there wasn't health bar.
  12. If I'm ever going to get the game, it's all only going to be to get immersed by the graphics and character's build in the game.
  13. Seriously, with the way we have been milked by their loot boxes and microtransactions, they still want to get in NTFs.
  14. Yeah, the long term play is the point where it's most likely a turn off for most people who are into playing the game.
  15. Seriously, I'm never one in support of military rule and if not for any other reason but for the disregard of human rights.
  16. I can actually relate to that as well because I have actually done it a few times with some games that came with horrible soundtrack.
  17. Haha, yeah it was pretty tough for me using that then but I'm good at it now, at least averagely good.
  18. Seriously, football is capable of doing that to anyone who's very deep in it as a fan. To be honest with you, that season was very crazy.
  19. Techland did an incredible job with the game and one of the things that I loved so much in the game is the kind of melee battle system the game offered.
  20. Some people can't carry smoking weed and it's why they stay away from it. There's been cases of some people running mad as a result of smoking weed here.
  21. Yeah obviously! I think believe that she's been a frequent user of their their channel to know they most likely never had the game under their contents.
  22. It's actually why I never really bothered too much about the game or even playing it as well.
  23. I have come across the reviews of IGN on multiple occasions including this one on L.A. Noire, which is fantastic as well.
  24. Although, some gamers don't really stress themselves when it comes to how they play their games and if they lose, they lose.
  25. Yeah exactly, you don't need to redesign the location or setting of open world games because they are too vast that you can't get less to do.
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