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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. When it comes to my character's customization, I always make sure to stay within the limit where I can still appreciate the character initial set up.
  2. The jumps are perfectly timed as it enabled the gamer get his jumps without any mistakes, otherwise he'd fall.
  3. As long as the one that you is still fully functional, there is no need for additional more headset to it and it's not like it freaks you.
  4. Which is definitely not worth anything in my eyes based on what they are gambling on with the pre order of games.
  5. Exactly, the trailer is designed to show what the game is supposed to look like by all means. If it looks bad in the trailer, it's definitely going look bad at release.
  6. Well, if more games should let you remove quests from your quest list, what's the essence of adding so much of them in the first place!!
  7. For the games that are said to be released this year, I believe that 5 should be an average for anyone low on budget and time to play.
  8. No wonder you got so used to alcoholic beverages very early. You should take it easy by the way because too much of alcohol in your system isn't good.
  9. Addiction in anything is very bad and not just in playing video games. I think that being addicted to drugs is the worst of them all.
  10. Indie developers are gaining a lot of popularity lately and it's all because of how they dedicate their time to their works.
  11. Once a video on YouTube is set to age restrictions, it's always that way when it comes to where and how you can watch the video.
  12. Exactly how I felt about reading that. I was like this guy is very creative with words.
  13. Exactly, whichever way you know how to best deal with them, it's better to do so and be on a safer route to gaming healthy.
  14. Why did I have to go to a friend of mine to learn how to use bow and arrows in playing Ghost of Tsushima? He was a pro!
  15. That's very correct. There is nothing like gamers front log but only backlog as long as they keep buying new games to play.
  16. Bloodborne and Dark Souls are games from the same company FromSoftware Inc, so it's not surprising that they are made almost same way.
  17. How many years have you currently played on your Playstation 4 console? I got mine around October 2014.
  18. When you don't give up too early or easily, it shows that you are very optimistic about the game and more likely looking forward to having it completed.
  19. It's actually why I don't joke with the video reviews of games by WatchMojo on their YouTube channel because the insights they give on games they review are always excellent.
  20. Nothing in this world would ever make me rush playing Red Dead Redemption 2 or The Last Of Us II. Those 2 games are better appreciated when you take your time to play it.
  21. If God of War Ragnarok later came out last year, it would have among the best games of 2021 but it didn't. So, let's see how it shapes up in 2022.
  22. Seriously, leaving such platform isn't the best way forward in my opinion if there was something that could have been done to put an end to that kind of madness of an admin.
  23. That's one old long range sniper riffle Karabiner 98k. What's so special about the gun for you to like it more than other guns in Call of Duty Vanguard?
  24. There are lots of crazy cars with their upgrades in Mad Max. I did really enjoyed having the Frankenstein's Mustang from Death Race car in GTA 5.
  25. There were so many people whom were done for by the guy. If I remembered correctly, his name was Steve. He's a funny lad from my little conversation with him.
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