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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. I'm planning on playing GTA 5 and Gran Turismo 6 today if my schedule allows me to play out both of them but GTA 5 is my priority.
  2. A lot GTA fans become pessimistic after seeing what they did with GTA trilogy and you can't really blame them for feeling like that. Seriously, I really doubt if they can keep up with the level that GTA 5 was before it gets to GTA 10.
  3. It's nice having you around once again my friend. I already seen that you're catching up little by little. Have fun!!
  4. I believe that they know that more than you know because they have their public relations teams getting them feedbacks on gamers opinion their games.
  5. Is it your favorite game that you have ever played till today starting from when you began to play video games?
  6. The first game on the God of War franchise started in 2005 on Playstation 2 console. I'm very sure that you have graced the world with your presence at the time.
  7. Gameboy would probably be the first gaming platform that you played from the list that you have just mentioned right?
  8. It's more like you trust getting such information from members here whom you believe always have credible information on subjects. You sure do have high hopes on some of us here.
  9. Last time out it was three, the other edition was three too. If it's seven nominated it will make sense too. A nominated user can even win the award through two votes. 2 votes? That's only going to happen if members aren't interested in voting.
  10. As long as it's your review, I'm definitely not going to miss that because the one on The Last Of Us II gave me everything I needed on the game.
  11. If you are into racing games, then you should look forward to the release of Gran Turismo that's coming up soon.
  12. Yeah, that was something that was very obviously clear because with the name - Don’t Starve Together, you will easily know that it's all about survival.
  13. So in essence what he's trying to say is that all he did was being in support of it because they were going to be helping independent creators? Helping independent creators my ass!!!
  14. Seriously, there are so many games that used to be great that EA is really killing off with their greed for money and with what happened lately with Battlefield 2042, I can't say that I'm not more disappointed.
  15. You're a big fan of Brock? I never really liked his arrogance. I'm more of an old school when it comes to wrestling as The Undertaker is my favorite player.
  16. Yeah, it's more like studying before going to write your exams, it gets a little bit easier for you unlike who never read at all.
  17. Maybe because Gamepass have been around for a while more than PS Now makes it a better option in terms of knowing how to offer gamers more.
  18. Too much of everything is bad, as it goes way beyond where it's supposed to and the real detail would be chalked off.
  19. Yes, it's something that's obviously clear in most of Assassin’s Creed games. I love how it was portrayed in Assassin’s Creed Revelations.
  20. It's simply not your thing from the looks of it and I don't see the reason why you should worry about too much because it doesn't stop your gaming.
  21. Sadly they don't offer anything more realistic in pre orders of video games. It's only going to worth it when the game is really worth the pre order in terms of what the games offered.
  22. Some people argue that the graphics in the trailer matters very well but I don't really look up to that first as long as the story and characters are well portrayed.
  23. Does this game Caesar III come in any way that's related to what Minecraft offers gamers now because it seems like they are same projects.
  24. Yeah, some schools have their basketball team that even some of their students join elite teams from their and become professionals in the game.
  25. I never really got to play Cyberpunk 2077 after how its release dragged on for too long and coming out the way that it did.
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