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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. There is no way you would purchase games that are more than your already existing backlogs, so eventually the new ones end up in the backlog.
  2. Personally, I haven't had much experience with Virtual Reality in gaming but the little time I have tasted it, it was an interesting feeling. Gamers can't say no to it.
  3. Seriously? At the age of 13 you already started taking alcoholic beverages? My mother would kill you!!!!
  4. Yeah, it's all about gaming addiction and a sort of a research into it. As for how you play, you still have control over your habits and it's the only reason why you are doing just fine.
  5. I don't think that I'm that well learned to take up the project of making video games. I would definitely kill any video games projects I get my hands in. You can set up with Indie developers to help you.
  6. I believe that this is what that you are trying to refer to and by all means, they are horrible to the very least.
  7. It's not only on GameFAQs that you meet such gamers. They are just about all over most forums and they even have their own platforms where they drown themselves in their mediocrity.
  8. I have never heard about the game till now. I would like to know more about the game. Let me see WatchMojo have any reviews on the game.
  9. How about "Job searching can be very fun".? 😋
  10. Seriously, it's something that they are very capable of doing, there is no doubt about that. EA have lost all its values a very long time ago.
  11. I'm not sure if I have seen anyone who's favorite game is Dark Souls. What's there to make that wicked and punishing game a favorite game? 🙄
  12. What's really wrong with the game Star Citizen? I never really got a chance to play the game till today even when I had the chance to do so.
  13. Yeah, that's pretty sure the best way to go about it and not having it screw on your mind like it's something that can't be drooped off.
  14. It's next month February that it's going to be released. I think that it's around 20th to 25th of the month.
  15. I still have some good friends of mine who are still playing on PlayStation 2 because they can't really upgrade on their consoles for now.
  16. Yeah and even if you left a particular game unfinished, it's not going to be like you did the unthinkable because gamers do that all the time.
  17. Seriously, it's just like how I almost called it quits on playing Dark Souls years ago but my determination paid off in the end.
  18. Gifting out my Call of Duty Vanguard Ultimate Edition gave me feeling I never felt in a very long time and I'm really glad I put so much happiness in one's face.
  19. Everyone deserves to win it in my opinion and what gets you the win is the number of votes you're able to get.
  20. Just look at the time frames they make the games. With Gran Turismo 6 being released since 2013 and the Gran Turismo 7 to be released 2022, the game would still be a big hit till the next 25 years.
  21. We are all different in ways that we see and play video games to achieve our desired goals. So, some find their end justified with a moral victory.
  22. Exactly, when you must have played a particular game, then you would have your own insight into the game to give something meaningful to others.
  23. Yeah, I would definitely keep that in mind with how I play the game. Maybe I would get another thing to distract me a little.
  24. How can I forget Dirt 5 racing game? Although it's not as hot and big as Gran Turismo for me but it's quite a good game.
  25. This is really bad. How can such happen in our world today with all the knowledge? And don't be surprised he must have been doing that for years.
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