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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. If you are playing on PC, it's definitely going to be easy for you to start out the act and see how you would get used to it.
  2. Funny enough my parents weren't a big fan of playing video games when I was small. They practically hated kids having to playing games.
  3. I really feel happy when I see gamers who still play on Playstation 2 and it's not because they don't have money to upgrade but their attachment to the console.
  4. You can add God of War Ragnarok for me. I'm eagerly watching and waiting for the game to be released as soon as possible, although I don't want it rushed and messed up.
  5. It depends on the kind of Korean movies that you are into. It's either their historical movies or romance and love, as well as gangster movies.
  6. If getting stuck in a maze should be counted in, then you can add it for me because I really hate that gaming experience. It frustrates me to death.
  7. I believe that @StaceyPowersalways declines being nominated for the contest out of her own volition.
  8. Yeah, with the knowledge accessed through other sites, with employing the mind to help process the game when you play gives you a better edge.
  9. Have you successfully earned anything from the game ever since you have started playing it till date? If yes, how long did it take?
  10. I have never played any of the Alien vs Predator Series but with what I have read on reviews about the game so far, it's an interesting game. What's your favorite series among them all?
  11. Yeah, the timing is very good when compared to when Elden Ring and Horizon Forbidden West are coming out in the same month with just some days apart.
  12. It's more like having to turn the gun on yourself and shoot yourself in the head and it's called a game? That's complete rubbish as far as I'm concerned.
  13. Maybe you're right about that and I never thought of it from that angle.
  14. Seriously by far, Resident Evil 2 is among my best top 5 horror videos games till date.
  15. It's really a big shame that a company would up and do that kind of thing, being that it's even something that they can afford to do with ease but choose not to.
  16. This is the list of cars that are going to be featuring in Gran Turismo 7 so far. It's going to be one hell of racing deal.
  17. I have said that already or something because I have every reason to believe that Microsoft have multiple streams of business deals that pumps money for them and definitely there are some we might not know off.
  18. Even the games developers aren't offered that amount of money to work overtime when it comes to making games and not to talk of paying one that to stop playing.
  19. Using the mind does you a lot of good when it comes to processing the games that you are playing. It saves you the stress of redoing things you could have easily avoided.
  20. It's now free to play on Mobile phones right? I know very well it's going to be filled up with all manner of microtransactions.
  21. If you are too careful, you might be lucky not to spill your food or drinks all over your gaming system unless you are tipsy.
  22. It was a one shitty event that rocked the African history at the time and I'm very sure that there are so many other acts of genocide that are similar to that in Africa.
  23. As long as you have good points that are relevant to the topic being discussed, it sure checks the problem right?
  24. You can imagine how off it's going to be when a game that have its history rooted in 1960s with 2021 weapons used in it. It's completely off.
  25. Gamers really do have other lives to lead and it's not only gaming. Some of us are with kids and I believe that they are more of a priority.
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