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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. There is nothing that's too small for addiction to do when it comes to how powerful it can be.
  2. From the information I came up to online, it's says it is going to release for PlayStation 4 and 5 on March 4th 2022.
  3. Yeah, that's most likely the case in that situation because it really looked very obvious that it's something a bug can cause.
  4. You can nominate one whom you feel that deserves to be recognized too. There are lots of us here who are yet to picked out.
  5. As far as I'm concerned, it's the best series of Resident Evil franchise that's ever been made with the right effects till today that suits what's the game is all about.
  6. Yeah, that's correct. Maybe before some of the games that that I have planned to play this year starts coming out, I would get it to pass time with.
  7. Seriously, that's a complete nonsense. If they know they weren't ready to honor their word, why make it? Silly cunts!!!
  8. The rate that it's been used in most Korean movies like no other cars are available to use have a big mark all over it.
  9. Doing that already. It gets tiring sometimes for me getting to stumble on that from time to time. Anyways, I'm taking your advice on the snubbing tactics.
  10. Playing the Red Dead Redemption first release for now, just to catch up with some old feelings.
  11. For 27 of house members to agree to sign it shows that it's something that needed to be done.
  12. Depending on the lesson that I learn from the game when it's not going well, then I wouldn't feel much bad about it, since I'm being taught.
  13. Sorry for PlayStation consoles gamers eeh 😂..
  14. Yeah, maybe or maybe not. These guys really have their ways around things especially when they really needed that. Isn't that a good thing right?
  15. I was hell bent on completing Hitman 3 last night till today but still couldn't!!
  16. I appreciate the gesture mate... Hopefully, I don't get runner up again 😩. I'm nominating @Withywarlockas I really like that guy 😉.
  17. Seriously, there are some gamers that would remove everything just to make sure they are able to complete the game.
  18. There is no way you would expect me to be full of life and fun when a gameplay is killing me badly. If I'm happy, then something is wrong with me.
  19. I get exactly what you mean by that because it was a very sad event that hit the world which was even allowed to happen and it's something that I believe that could have been prevented.
  20. It gets annoying when they get you banned without having to warn you at all even if you broke any rules.
  21. Seriously, if you manage to complete 5 games this year, it's definitely going to be big feat for me.
  22. Exactly, it's far more better that the game is even delayed furthermore and get it out in the end in the best way possible.
  23. To the best of my knowledge, I believe that it's what a game being historically accurate is all about. There is a link up with the history and present in the game.
  24. I believe that Gamepass isn't available for all gaming platforms right?
  25. Yeah, or better still, you can easily get away from your tech equipment and do your eating business and then get back to it.
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