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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. To be very honest with you, I really believe that gamers are actually the better and best propagators for games to be passed from gamers to gamers.
  2. The name of the game was quite similar that it can easily mislead some people into believing that they are two same games from the looks of it.
  3. Yeah, you're correct. I was gifted the game and funny enough, I also gave it out one of my cousin 😂.
  4. This is absolutely spot on. When it comes to gamers buying decisions, it can never change when they have already made up their minds.
  5. Exactly my point. Although there are some games that doesn't even allow you to customize the game characters at all.
  6. It sure definitely looks like something that's bug induced because there is no way you would walk into a trap knowingly with your two eyes open.
  7. There was an update I saw today that the file size of GT 7 have been announced. Who else got that update about the game?
  8. FIFA is a great great game with some shit all over again in a new wear 😂.
  9. It's a shame that we aren't hearing much of the Silent Hill gaming franchise. It was one hell of a horror game when it was that popular.
  10. Well, we are going to see how it goes with the monopoly they are planning on getting on because should they keep up with the track, it's what's likely going to happen.
  11. It's actually why getting to review the review with another review channel that's as good as the one you got the first review from.
  12. I'm this close to completing Hitman 3 but for some reasons I stopped but it's not going to be too much work for me to finish now.
  13. Over familiarity with something kills interest in that thing. Haven't something like that happened to you before?
  14. Once you allow your gaming habits to interfere with your education activities, it's definitely going to wreck it no matter what you do in the end.
  15. Here we go again with the Chinese conspiracy theories and bull crap. Aren't we tired already mate?
  16. Gamers who have completionist tendencies will definitely not pass the games up without having them fully completed for any reason whatsoever.
  17. A lot of video games trailers are just like that and they all end up misleading a lot of their fans, although most of them in the end still are great games.
  18. It might as well be the combination of both horror and action since they have been bombarded with what their fans wanted for years.
  19. It's actually why I don't like already pre determined ending in video games because whatever I do in the game isn't really going to matter at all.
  20. Just watch the video that's posted and see some of them for yourself mate. They are all obviously clear there in it.
  21. I believe that Skyrim does have quite interesting location as well with the Dragonborn being in the game with castles and the rest. Also God of War offers something interesting too.
  22. Seriously, I believe that some of these games would definitely find ways to preserve themselves. Gamers will definitely have a big say in that happening as well.
  23. Having 2 headset is an average buy in my opinion. There are some gamers who wouldn't be comfortable with playing using headset at all.
  24. Personally, I would definitely pick Rocket League over most of FIFA games series. Although, I'm yet to play FIFA 22 but it's basically going to be the same thing.
  25. Yeah exactly, they really know how the game laid the foundation for more games that we have today just like Donkey Kong did with other games.
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