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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. Definitely, Rockstar really messed up with that game by not doing it themselves and it almost cost them their fan base loyalty.
  2. Some video games reviews will actually tell you about some of the games that their trailers are quite misleading like Assassin’s Creed Unity and BioShock Infinite.
  3. I have seen that game Disco Elysium on more than one occasion but I have never really gotten a calm head to pay for it and actually play it. I know it's a good one.
  4. When I was still a teenager, I was always open to anything that's going on to win me anything when it comes to gaming because I never had it easy.
  5. Yeah, being an insider does that to you even when you don't want it to. It's just the nature of how such things works. Some people gets frustrated with such along the way.
  6. Yeah, it's what being a completionist is all about, there would definitely be something that's going to drag you into playing the video game to the end.
  7. I think it's a Korean company that makes the KIA cars right? I have seen a lot of it in their recent movies especially tech and drug gang related movies.
  8. I know very well that individual differences kicks in some situations when it comes to how to see and do things, so I'm not surprised you are wired that way though.
  9. Depending on the nature of the game, I might be forced to derive satisfaction from actually completing the game and it's the only thing that would matter for me in the game.
  10. Seriously, it's definitely not going to stop people from playing games, they will definitely find a way to play even when they know the consequences of doing that.
  11. Yeah, that can easily solve a lot of problems for gamers. They get to use the tips when they decide to turn it on and off vice versa.
  12. Seriously, I'm not surprised. Most of these companies copy themselves all the time. It's not a new thing. Just like a lot copied in the making of Skyrim.
  13. Some trailers can be misleading which is why it's never going to enough for you to rate anything or even games with it.
  14. Seriously, most gamers are not really that freaked any more about online gaming because of all the ills that it comes with.
  15. There are some easy boss fights in Dark Souls that should have been more better in terms of posing a real challenge like the High Lord Wolnir but it's not.
  16. The good part of it is that you can always have an extra external drive of any size to back up your PC.
  17. Yeah, kids of nowadays are very smart unlike us at our time. They can easily pick up gaming skills you never thought of.
  18. Yeah, that's another thing to be worried about because they will definitely know the nature of the game before its released but they released it anyways.
  19. That really must have sucked for the whole family. Anyways, he's back now and that's all that matters.
  20. Damn, that must have ruin your experience with PC gaming at the time I guess. What later changed your mind to want to get PC for gaming now?
  21. If you have a comfortable seat like the one's made by Anda Seat, you will definitely enjoy sitting down while gaming.
  22. There are some games that gets you stuck in a place that you can't go on or go back. It's more like a bug or something, I'm not sure but nothing you can do can help.
  23. Seriously, you have got to be kidding me here. So, what have you been doing all through the 412 level?
  24. It's always about the money for all of them. I have never seen any of them lately that's not eyes glued on anything that can make more money for them.
  25. The only thing similar to what I experienced was having my account that's already verified pulled back and be unverified. Like are they kidding me?
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