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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. Yeah, from the looks of it, it's only your playing system that's the constrain that you have with gaming now.
  2. Yeah, that's a fact when it comes to games that will come out this year. There will be the good, the bad and the ugly ones no doubt.
  3. Rockstar Energy Drink is the worst of them when it comes to bad taste for me. I think even Red Bull tastes better than it.
  4. Yeah, I think that it's the only part where game companies have done something that's in the good interest of gamers a little bit, although it's for them too.
  5. Wow, I'm getting the chills already. This looks great from every looks of it and it's never going off my top to buy games now.
  6. Does any agreement Activision-Blizzard have with Playstation still apply when a new company take over ownership just like Microsoft did?
  7. Another one which is in the little of 🔞... "Big D**k is overrated"
  8. I totally agree with you on this one because we can be very silly with the kind of things that we are willing to do all in the name of fun 😂.. Imagine trying to pet a crocodile 🐊 😂.. Some men are stupid..
  9. Well, I believe that in the end, they are definitely going to pay the heavy price like others before them did. The clock is ticking for them.
  10. Yeah, sure thing!! He's been trying to get help but so far nothing seems to be working. I hope this works at least.
  11. Anyone here affected by the hack of Crypto.com with their loss of $15 million dollars worth of coins?
  12. Even with just the looks of it, it definitely do look useless because I don't know it's exactly to be used while being worn in one hand.
  13. For a level 90 team to be beaten so bad by a level 20 team, they are definitely a bunch of newbies in disguise.
  14. It's more like a porn related content in the making.
  15. Aren't games still promoted on TVs and magazines today? I believe they do, although more are done on social media too.
  16. The High Lord Wolnir in Dark Souls III are quite that easy to deal with from my experience with it. It just requires targeting the huge glowing bracelets that they wear which shines well in the dark setting.
  17. That may be true but I do still argue that such a gamer have not had a serious money problem that would need him to stop gaming for it yet.
  18. Seriously, I believe that they are well informed about the glitches and bugs the game came with because no game is fully released without being tested.
  19. Yeah, that's the difference in the line of purchase action between the rich and the poor when it comes to what and how much they are willing to spend on games.
  20. I'm not really a big fan of Volkswagen products, although I know they are good. It's Mercedes, Ford and a little of Toyota for me.
  21. Well, typically they can't keep on shutting down all public events. The world's economy would crumble as a result of that.
  22. Even the gaming award of 2021 wasn't as lit as it used to be in my eyes as a result of the effects of the pandemic of coronavirus. Well, 2021 is far behind us, let's see what 2022 brings to the table.
  23. Exactly, and once they get your feelings involved in the game, there is no way you would like to leave the game early because you will feel like you have a point to prove.
  24. If they followed up on the game, they would definitely be well updated on how long the game has come in one of most action combat games.
  25. Most old games that were made well always leave that long lasting impression on you and always fun whenever you play it again. Just like The Legend of Zelda.
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