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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. I think that I saw a trailer recently on Contra and it's not even that interesting to me at all. The ones that I played on Sega was far more better even though it's a old enough.
  2. My mother sits down for her shower 🚿... She always request for her bathing 🛀 seat whenever she wants to bath. Maybe it's old age or something..
  3. It definitely sounds disrespectful to me when such words are used when talking with an elderly. But peers can use it on themselves and I wouldn't give a damn. I do enjoy using Damn!!
  4. This is definitely going to be very difficult to make use of especially when it's worn. How can you use just one hand to press all the buttons?
  5. That's something they should have taken care of right at the moment the game was being cooked up but hey they are expected to leave some things out either knowingly or unknowingly.
  6. One thing that I have come to understand about human nature is that when they are given an inch, they take a mile. So, they will always abuse it.
  7. Seriously, Mario games were the most popular games when I was growing up. It's literally what we play all day long before any other games.
  8. I always love games where you can make use of magic to do so many things. It's why movies that's got magic in it trips me a lot.
  9. I think that I have a friend who wanted to sell his own some years ago. Let me see if he still wants to sell it and if it's possible to ship it from his location to yours.
  10. Some gamers don't even remember arcade games anymore as a result of being cut off from it for a while now. If the world ever gets back to normal, I'd be playing them a lot.
  11. With the way video games have been going on lately, it's very obvious that gamestop's time is nearing the end and there is nothing that can stop that from happening.
  12. Yes exactly, and by right they are supposed to get it no matter how selfish that sounds but they never forced anyone not to do so as well, just that not all have the money to do so.
  13. I think it's about one of his games that keeps bringing new updates from time to time in which he doesn't have the space for such updates!
  14. That's very correct and I have played some of the games. Although there are some adult contents in some of the anime of Naruto which I don't like so much.
  15. I think that people seem to get more greedy when they hit a certain level in wealth acquisition. When $1 million dollar used to be enough for them, $5 million wouldn't scratch the surface.
  16. In a way, you get to use the tips when you feel like it's very necessary to do so otherwise it's going to be very difficult to get the task completed without the tips.
  17. Gaming characters are always supposed to be smaller in games on mobile devices. There is no way they can be huge.
  18. What happened to Konami should have been a good lesson to any other game company out there but it's sad that they don't even consider that and still follow in the same pattern expecting different results.
  19. There are some bosses in Dark Souls that doesn't live up the hype like most of people tip them to be but majority of them are hell on earth to deal with.
  20. Are there any games on PlayStation 4 and Playstation 5 that doesn't have any atom of microtransactions used in it?
  21. Seriously, you really got me laughing so hard this morning. As for the lawsuit on not getting the wings from drinking Red Bull, if there is a petition to sign in support for it, I'm definitely signing it 😂.
  22. If you have never played any game or the game, there is no way you would be able to give a good rating for the game. You can't do it with just watching the game's trailer.
  23. I have actually seen some people in real life that's got even far more muscular structure based on how they are actively involved in the gym.
  24. When you have all the money in the world to spend on games especially when you don't even stress about getting the money, you're definitely not going worry about how you spend it.
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