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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. Seriously, if there is any way to get back at whoever that's hacked my account, I'm definitely going to do it even if it means going to voodoo.
  2. Shadows Of Mordor was just recommended to me as a copy spin off from the movie Lord of the Rings. So, I'm definitely getting into the game as soon as possible.
  3. We can't really judge 2022 for what took place in 2021 except for the fact that the pandemic of Corona virus still followed us into it. As for 2022 games, we can't say anything on it yet.
  4. "Shadows Of Mordor" I will definitely look into the game and I wouldn't be surprised it's linked to Lord of the Rings because everything about the Ring was linked to Mordor.
  5. I'm definitely reading up more on this program on The 12 steps in Alcoholics how to tackle the addiction because I have a friend who's struggling so much with his own life.
  6. A lot have been said about how bad Battlefield 2042 has been with a lot of letdown in the expectations that's built up for it. If you were to rate the game, what's it going to be?
  7. I thought as much because I have had eyes out for such kind of games but never really seen one. Let's see what happens with what they do subsequently.
  8. Seriously, everything that gaming companies incorporate in their games today is to their own benefits first no matter how they cover it up and make it look like they care for the gamers.
  9. Obviously, it's simply the market nature as a lot of people or say gamers are upgrading to PS5 and as such PS3 is in decline.
  10. I believe that skateboards are something that I haven't really seen used well in games, unless I have missed out on such games. Do you know any?
  11. If it affects my sanity in a very dangerous way, I'm definitely taking a walk from it and not even just skipping it to be very honest with you. My sanity comes first in anything I do.
  12. It's very obvious that you're just ranting over what you aren't even supposed to flinch about. Anyways, I'm very glad that you have been put in your place as it should be. Even the article you pride yourself on, I'm very sure it's still most likely going to be the same shit breeding.
  13. So sorry to hear about that mate. I get how frustrating this would have been for you especially when you really needed to sit down. If I ever get to make use of an awful chair, I'm definitely going to cut a nice soft and big foam to pad it all up 😂.
  14. I have played reasonably well enough on my Playstation 4 as I should and it's now more on my PC to get by but the love of my PS4 still gets me back it.
  15. Wow, that's a very long time away from someone's family. I can't imagine myself staying away from my family for more than 10 years..
  16. To some extent, I did enjoyed playing Final Fantasy XV simply because of the character of Noctis and his sacrifice in the end of the game.
  17. The way his character was built is what makes the game unique and always interesting for the lovers of God of War.
  18. Exactly, there was never any sign that what they did with the making of GTA trilogy was ever going to happen or didn't they test the game before its release?
  19. Yeah, one thing that's good about playing with them is that they get to learn a lot from you and you on the other hand can pick up how they progress.
  20. Seriously, a lot of things have been said about this game already and it looks like they haven't even let the cat out of the bag yet with all that's been displayed in the trailer. Let February come quickly please 😌.
  21. No one in the world that's into technology or have a little information on cryptocurrencies wouldn't know about Elon Musk and the strings he pulls in the world today.
  22. When people can't control most of their urges, it's what leads to addiction and it's something that's very common in gaming now. A lot of people are very addicted to gaming without even knowing it.
  23. Personally, I don't like it but I'm very sure that some gamers are very much open to it. It's just going to be a battle till it either gains more support or fades off.
  24. No matter what anyone says, I don't think that the Resident Evil 4 needs to be touched for any reason whatsoever by Capcom. Although, they are planning on it but they are just going to butcher the game.
  25. I have encountered ghosts in person and it's person's that I know very well that are dead. Once I was visited twice by one of them and it was really creepy for me.
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