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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. That's Ghost Rider's bike. It looks cool. I'd like to have it in some racing games.
  2. Seriously, being really small as a character really bugs me a lot in any game that's set up like that. It's not fun at all. It's better they give me the game as a 1st person shooter.
  3. I can't really say for sure till the games that are proposed for this year 2022 starts coming out or get delayed further, then we will have our say.
  4. They old gaming memories that you're going to get from playing the game on Sega is what stands out for me.
  5. Yeah, it's something that's good when it comes to being into PC gaming. Space is never really going to be much of a problem.
  6. In your opinion, what would have been the best way forward for Activision Blizzard since it's very obvious they aren't going to get out easy from the whole mess?
  7. How can I do them any wrong when they are playing with my console and my controllers? It's only when they damage it, that they get to buy it back.
  8. Yeah exactly, if it's to get the game, I'm sure it would be possible to do so now but I'm not ruling anything out. So, let's see how it goes.
  9. Exactly, it's why most of the video games review channels on YouTube have millions of subscribers who need their updates to make their gaming decision.
  10. Yeah, you did and it gave me everything that I needed to know about the game which I really enjoyed watching.
  11. Seriously, it's part of the reason why I made it a priority to learn it because when I can easily kill my enemies without exposing myself I can't do it.
  12. Time is will come when it's possible to pull up playing games in thin air more like a screen surface on air where you see and adjust your gaming on air. I have seen such technology used in sci-fi movies.
  13. If you like playing survival horror games, there are some good ones that I can easily recommend for you to play.
  14. They know very well that no matter what happens, they have an incredible fan base that's going to patronize their games no matter how bad it is.
  15. It's just like what goes on with those who are very much addicted to playing video games. They can't really help themselves even when it's no longer good for them.
  16. FFXIV isn't even my all time favorite when it comes to the Final Fantasy game franchise. It's the Final Fantasy 7 for me.
  17. I believe that the company already know about the flew of the mouse which begs the question on why not recall all the mouse and fix it rather than just cutting the price to sell it?
  18. When the company rushes the developers to get the games out, they will have no option but to rush it all and damn the consequences.
  19. You can always try as much as you can to squeeze out time for your gaming because there is no way you would give all your life to work with no fun.
  20. Some of the gaming company he's got stockpile of their games might actually want to come and do some documentary with him.
  21. As long as it's not going to make the gamer have eye problems by sitting close to the television which it actually does, then most wouldn't worry at all.
  22. When you are too greedy to have gamers money, it's something that will twist your decision making in the end and it's what happened with them and Cyberpunk 2077.
  23. Yeah, I do agree with you on this point about some gamers not to have the time to devote to games for long hours, so they need the game to meet them half way.
  24. It's just like what Capcom did with the remake of Resident Evil 3. They completely butchered the game and left it for dead. They are circling on RE 4 just to do the same thing all over again.
  25. Yeah exactly, I do believe that they can do something about the shooting and aiming but it's not just enough to ask for a remake don't you think so?
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