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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. Yeah, I read about that in one thread already and looked it on Twitter, it's definitely happening and I'm very sure that even the workers of Activision Blizzard are very happy.
  2. I can remember vividly sometimes in the past when I would have to clean some of my CDs with powder and water just to get it read and play. It was very annoying.
  3. There is a way it's to used and it's definitely going to be very fun thing to watch and enjoy. But I'm very sure that once it's over used, it's going to lose its touch.
  4. Haha, 10-2 victory is a walk over in my eyes. It looks like you guys meet up with bunch of newbies in the game or you guys were too good.
  5. God of War 2 is the only series of the game's franchise that I missed out on. I have been trying to get myself to play it but it's not working.
  6. It's already been used in some games by some gaming companies like Ubisoft I think. Those one's can do just about anything for the money.
  7. To be very honest with you, the looks on their dead face was very agonizing and full of pain when they being killed by the white phosphorus.
  8. Power Horse and even Red Bull are better energy drinks as far as I'm concerned. I do take Red Bull once in a while whenever I'm playing games.
  9. I have read up on Control Glove that's likely to be pushed up by Xbox when they develop another new console. It looks like a super upgrade on game's controllers in my opinion.
  10. There was a movie that I watched some time ago that had similar scenes that's in the trailer especially the part where there were in train rails.
  11. Thanks for getting me this clip and you know what, I'm getting back to rewatching the movie all over again. It's been a long time since I have seen a better movie.
  12. What's actually the main reason why you specifically choose to abandon Sim 3?
  13. Yeah, some people are really into old games for a reason and it's because some of those old gamers are where real gaming held fort unlike what we have now.
  14. I'm actually thinking of getting on with it on my SEGA console. It's going to pull back a lot of old memories for me.
  15. These guys can really go out of their way to prove you wrong if they really wanted to. It's why I don't have any kind of trust in them lately till I see what they make.
  16. I believe that it's something that's very common with those who are parents already. There is no way you wouldn't play with your kids as long as you are a gamer and they play too.
  17. Just imagine the rubbish. Getting to hack someone's account but only to go on spam with it just to make the life of the owner hard for him.
  18. You're actually getting and giving it a better shot because there are some gamers who are yet to touch 5% of their active game's backlogs.
  19. Exactly, they will always find a way to make more money off the games irrespective of not actually selling the games itself.
  20. Seriously, that basically solves everything in that case because even with the new remake, it's not going to change anything about the original version of the game.
  21. You should simply take some time off and get out of the room. Get some fresh air and connect with some people and get back to the game better.
  22. I'm not sure either but there is a possibility that it can be used by those who are disabled to play games in a way it would be easier for them.
  23. My cousin who's just 10 years old don't even know anything about Atari or what they contributed to the gaming industry.
  24. The company is a Persian indie video game developer that seem to have a relationship with being former Ubisoft employees. They have only produced one game called Absolver.
  25. You very well know the importance of those tips that you don't joke with them, otherwise you are going to find it difficult.
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