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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. It's actually why we have individual differences when it comes to the gaming choices that we make. No two gamers ever have the same preferences.
  2. Seriously, even if it's going to be remade, it's not now that it's needed in my opinion. But when has Capcom ever cared about the opinion of gamers? 🙄
  3. It's actually very obvious that they are in on one bed 🛏, otherwise they would have taken some actions against him but rather they have him protected.
  4. Seriously, it's something that's happened to some of my video CDs that's stayed too long. They become unreadable no matter what I try to do.
  5. Seriously, eventually everything depends on what they decide to do irrespective of what the feels or need and certainly what their reaction is going to be.
  6. Yeah, for some games that have a bad ending, not a bad ending in the sense of being rushed, sometimes comes in that way to make way for the next release of the game to be built on something.
  7. Even though some gamers are really kicking hard against NTFs but the gaming companies and some fans are really for it.
  8. Yeah, and for the fact that one of the soldiers was against it and he ended up being justified in the end.
  9. From the looks of the drink, it doesn't look entertaining or should I say satisfying. The drink is just like the owner.
  10. A good number of gamers are now disliking playing online games for one reason or another. It's not going to be bode well for online games if this continues.
  11. It's just the buttons control placement in the controllers that looks more similar to that of Sega controller.
  12. You're very correct about how realistic the graphics of RDR2 was. I can't find easily find any flaw in it based on how good it looked.
  13. This really looks like a very fast horse. Just like the breed of horse used in The Lord of the Rings, driven by the Elven Princess, I can't really remember her name again in the movie.
  14. I'm not a fan of doing that either. But if you think it's worth it, you should get it then. I have been thinking about getting back to playing The Punisher lately.
  15. I have actually abandoned playing one of my old favorites game's The Punisher for a while now. I need to do something about it.
  16. Meat is overrated and sitting down in shower is better than standing up in shower.
  17. If that's the case, we are all going to make our work the first priority before leisure because it's what pays our bills. You should try reach out to him.
  18. Damn, that must be really painful from the way that you described it right? What kind of gaming chair are you making use of?
  19. It's even something that's linked up to your username. I don't mind asking if it's anything to do with your name?
  20. It would be nice trying it out on Nintendo Switch if you have one, although there is nothing wrong with playing on smartphone.
  21. Experience shows a lot of things in how people progress over the years with their gaming habits. It's actually why some gamers are interested in having NTFs in games.
  22. Although, there are some people or gamers whom their money actually controls and they simply can't help it at all. I have seen such people on several occasions.
  23. They used to give me more of a villain role when I was still a teenager and I really hated that back then. I acted as Satan one time 😂.
  24. Yeah, it's actually because of the shoulder buttons that I had to rule out the PlayStation controller for it.
  25. When VR was introduced to gaming initially, a lot of gamer were skeptical how it's going to pan out but it's been doing well so far.
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