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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. Personally, I believe that there is a lot more that should be done for gamers with disabilities to give them the best gaming experience.
  2. Here is what I was able to get from one my favorite YouTube channel on the documentary of Indie Game: The Movie. The trailer says it all.
  3. Yeah, there are two games that's going to be big thing in the gaming industry especially when one of them is being made by FromSoftware Inc.
  4. Some people are not really meant for acting as they have some sort of stage fright. There is nothing that you would give them to make them feel free to act.
  5. Exactly, and it's why most of their fans are unforgiving when it comes to letting them off the hook. To even see that they charged so high for the game showed exactly what they were after.
  6. Exactly, it's one of the good things that comes with having a Playstation 4. It's definitely not going to let you down with most games on PS5.
  7. Seriously, from my experience for years as a gamer, no rushed video games ever ends well. It all gets screwed in the end one way or another.
  8. Seriously, the game and the act in the use of White Phosphorus really left a cold chill down my spine.
  9. It's basically how the game was made for the horses to behave because no horse 🐴 wild or tamed would trip over grasses or run into a tree.
  10. Yeah exactly, you're very correct. If you're planning on playing the games for less than 30 minutes, you can easily stand or sit all through the process.
  11. Definitely, the remastered collections would offer a far more interesting playing experience with the game's graphics and visuals.
  12. Exactly, you're very correct my friend. It's a very good business marketing strategy that would get some gamers to pick interest in the game all over again to play for free.
  13. Seriously, there are some of these tips once they are skipped, there will be a time when you would be forced to go all the way back to look for it.
  14. Yeah, you're correct with that assessment. It's really a shame that the game turned out to be that way. Imagine what the game would have been if they did it right?
  15. Yeah, those two video games review channels are very good but it's also more better to have other one's in the mix.
  16. Yeah, seriously though I was very careful about how I make use of my gaming hardwares. It wasn't easy getting them.
  17. Some celebrities can't stay out of limelight when it comes to getting involved with women especially when it's forced sexual harassment. It's a part and parcel of them. About the website, are you sure the email was delivered? If yes, then they must have shutdown the sales.
  18. If Rockstar isn't careful, what happened to CD Project Red with their production of Cyberpunk 2077 would happen to them especially after what they did with GTA trilogy.
  19. Seriously, I can't really remember the very last time I played any video games that's on physical copies. Why would I do that?
  20. To be very honest with you, I believe that all of of them the publisher and CD Project Red are not to be spared. It's not like it's their first game or something. They know how the system works but choose to shoot themselves in the leg.
  21. When you don't have the money to upgrade to one of latest game's hardwares, you are left with no option but to stick to what you have.
  22. Seriously, it offers a lot when it comes to getting in contact with actual gamers who can add good value to your gaming experience.
  23. It looks like a Sega console controller with a little difference with the keys in the design.
  24. Yes, for someone who's been using console controller for more than 20 years, he's definitely going be a pro with using it.
  25. Yeah, that's very correct. There was a particular Ninja game that I played on PS1 years ago and I was stuck on one stage. I couldn't go further or backwards. It was where I left the game.
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