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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. I can't really say much on the game yet as I have just started out playing it. Give me two weeks max, then I can give you a good feedback.
  2. Yes exactly, it's 50% off from what it's sold on other websites. So, it's better to get the game from Playstation store.
  3. It doesn't necessarily have to be within his locality as long as there is a means for them to connect together from any where in the world. Discord can be a good tool.
  4. Is it going to be better on Nintendo Switch or far more better on Playstation 4? What do you think?
  5. It's evil in my eyes 👀 literally because it's not fair to gamers who don't even have PS4 and not to talk of PS5 but then someone have two PS5 😩...
  6. There is nothing in the world that's going to make me not to purchase game Gran Turismo 7 once it's released.
  7. So he should squander 💸 all of his money 💵 simply because he's rich is what you're trying to say eeh?
  8. Seriously, this totally sucks for the workers and investors alike that had some faith in the company. None of these companies can be trusted!!
  9. It doesn't really matter too much when someone else started playing games as long as he or she is playing in a healthy way.
  10. Personally, I feel like most of these gaming companies are all destined to end up the same way because they all look to be following the same pattern.
  11. You're very correct about the nature of the game's controls. The HD remakes is definitely going to add more flair into the game.
  12. Seriously, it was a very frustrating experience with what happened with Cyberpunk 2077. Like, the game have already been delayed, so why rush it? Better keep delaying it till it's made perfect.
  13. Even if they are very difficult to kill, it shouldn't be made to put the gamers through having to feel the stress 3x before getting it done.
  14. Yeah exactly, it was never easy but really very frustrating most of the time. If I wasn't determined to learn it, I would have given up.
  15. You shouldn't give up then till you eventually get one who clicks so bad, he wouldn't like to disconnect. But, did you figure out why the guy didn't show up for the graduation?
  16. Seriously, before getting such games, I would definitely make sure that's it's not something like that because it's a waste of time and money.
  17. It's definitely going to be very hard for you to make the kind of money that's going to be enough for you to purchase the system unless you're earning more than $100 monthly.
  18. Yeah, you're very correct, there are so many ways to deal with these douchebags which l like to call avoidance-avoidance tactics.
  19. There is absolutely nothing the gaming fans would do that's going to change their dispositions when it comes to what they desire to make.
  20. I actually had to look that up in YouTube to be really sure what it's all about and I wasn't surprised Elon Musk is involved with it.
  21. Yeah, and it's actually why it's that popular the way that it has been over the past few years till now. It's one of my favorite car racing video games ever made. I can't wait to see what GT 7 is cooking for us.
  22. Uncharted is another good video games series that I really liked getting into over the years. The same thing goes with DMC series.
  23. There is a promo on Playstation store for the game Killing Floor 2 which is sold at $7.49. https://store.playstation.com/en-us/concept/221915/
  24. So, I decided to get one of the Sail GP games and it's been more than what I expected. I don't think that I would be looking at Motor GP for a while.
  25. Some gamers stick to one kind of hardware for not being able to upgrade to the latest version of the hardware. It might be a reason for it.
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