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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. It's a good thing seriously though because it shows new generation gamers what commitment is when it comes to being a gamer.
  2. As long as most of the games that are available on Playstation 5 are backward compatible with PS4 games, gamers would be relaxed a little bit.
  3. Seriously, gamers skips games contents all the time as long as it suits their gaming interests most of the time.
  4. Now that you have a thread for yourself and it's even courtesy of @DCyou should starting doing giveaways immediately 😉....and as a British Empire, you're awfully rich too 😂.
  5. Road traffic and internet traffic are two different things and the latter is far more better and needed than the former because it's the latter that sustains the existence of online communities.
  6. I believe that it's why @The Blackangelis very adamant on not having any remakes made on the game as it's going to somehow insult the originality of the game.
  7. There is definitely a good reason why there isn't any chatters on the game Starfield. It's either as a result of the company behind its release or something else.
  8. There are far more better games to get into playing than one where I'm forced to play a boss fight in 3 stages. I'd rather replay any God of War series.
  9. Yeah, it's the differences in gamers views that makes for different kind of reviews which are gamers insights into the games they played.
  10. Some gamers are just like that when it comes to not really looking at tips, they feel like it's a bit of a chore and they can do it by themselves.
  11. Yeah exactly, I do pick out some few guys from WatchMojo reviews comments section based on their opinion on games reviewed.
  12. I can't really remember the last time I played Fortnite even though I see tons of its ads on smartphone from other mobile games that I play.
  13. I call him the untouchable. Seriously, it's no fun watching any of his movies at all.
  14. A lot of workers would lose their jobs if that should happen and the companies would lose a lot of money in the process as well. I wouldn't want that to happen sooner.
  15. I have actually just completed serving my 31 days ban on Facebook and this one was really painful because I never expected to have it this long. Although some of how their bans are given doesn't seem fair. I saw similar content of what I posted on my status in a group comments but the account wasn't banned!
  16. Yeah, If they eventually get the game right after all the delays, then it's definitely worth it but if it turns out like another Cyberpunk 2077, then it's doomed.
  17. I have reconnected with a few of my old buddies through Facebook. I never knew some of them were on Facebook till I checked them out last night.
  18. Yeah, even though it saves a lot of time and stress of the battle but what's the essence of letting your enemies do the job all the time?
  19. Ubisoft even tried to apologize for their sexual abuse/harassment issues but what about Activision with their own? Even when the board didn't want to do anything about it and the CEO wasn't touched.
  20. Here is the picture of the Xbox 360 QWERTY Text-Input Keyboard.
  21. Not not really. Let me see if I can get the picture uploaded for you to see exactly what it looks like.
  22. Seriously, I believe that in the next few years, let's say 10 years more, the use of virtual reality in video games would have be fully perfected.
  23. I think some games allows you to go back and replay previously completely stages to gather up more resources especially when you need them for upgrades.
  24. Is there plans on ground yet for the making of the part 3? I'm not sure if I have heard anything on that for a while now.
  25. Correct me if I'm wrong, the QuadJoy 3 is the one with voice recognition playing feature or something?
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