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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. You might get cheaper products on some online stores but the quality will never be the same to what's offered by Marvel collaboration with AndaSeat.
  2. Unless the content is making it very difficult to progress on the game, then it's doomed for it to be skipped in my opinion.
  3. Interesting video games are very hard to forget which is why I really fancy games like Bloodborne very well as well as God of War series.
  4. Seriously, it's something that the fans have been doing for ages now. They sell such games as a result of the their fans belief.
  5. It's actually available on the game's simulation where they work so well to get anyone into trouble because they are Important.
  6. Some people would argue the otherwise here with what you have just mentioned and I don't really listen to them too much.
  7. From the looks of it, I be believe that Rosemary Winters looks like Magik from the Marvel universe completely!!!
  8. Which particular non racing open world driving games that you are specifically looking at getting to play this 2022?
  9. Exactly, the knowledge alone is what would probably give them the impetus to buy games as they please whenever they want.
  10. Exactly, it's the same thing with me when it comes to my going back to my Sega console once in a while when I play it.
  11. Seriously, it's very pressing for me as well to know more about his reasons for making such a horrible suggestion.
  12. I wouldn't really want to cross any paths with him because he sucks as far as I'm concerned. I don't know whether it's as a result of the scripts they hand him to do.
  13. Some gamers are very emotional when it comes to how they react to what happens in the games that they play especially when their decisions impact on the games.
  14. Seriously, I don't really care much about what or how they fare with what had done with the GTA trilogy. It proved they were very much only interested in the money.
  15. Heatman

    Thank You

    You probably don't know Withy that very much. He's one hell of a writer from my run in with him on the forum so far!!
  16. Seriously, sometimes I keep asking myself and even my friends why in the world would some developers make such kind of game's plot?
  17. GTA series are quite the charm that most people get on to play them very easily because of how good they are.
  18. It's the use of microtransactions that's completely off it for me. There is no way I can be able to support that after getting a game for $60+.
  19. You can easily go to YouTube and learn step to step on how set up an eBay account and have your PS3 set up for sale.
  20. Yes definitely, that works like a charm. There is no way it's not going to have you played more relaxed.
  21. Yeah exactly, it's something that you get used to playing through when you have played it long enough in my opinion.
  22. I couldn't agree any less than this from the looks of things based on their work on games so far!!
  23. They are in the same league with EA, Ubisoft, Activision Blizzard and so on. They all greedy companies that are only after money.
  24. Definitely, there are some games that guilt trip you as a result of the kind of decision that you are allowed to make in it game. Take for instance, in what happened in Spec Ops : The Line.
  25. It's not. If it's still for me to ask for a refund for the game, I'm definitely going to do that because it's not worth that amount.
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