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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. Sadly, they have an incredible fan base that's going to stand with them no matter what kind of trash they make with their use of microtransactions in their games.
  2. Seriously, for weeks when I had the new console purchased, I never worried about sleeping in the night because I will be awake playing.
  3. Yeah, it's something that I have been doing for years being very active on Discord. I have made good friends especially in co-op games.
  4. Seriously, it's the sitting within close range of the game television is the biggest challenge because it affects the eyes in a bad way if you play too long.
  5. I was able to come across this article on some great video games musical artist and the list is quite long but incredibly interesting. https://www.last.fm/tag/video+game+music/artists
  6. Although, some gamers call it a lazy act because you simply don't want to do much but it's not a big deal at all as far as I'm concerned.
  7. Yeah, that's true because when you hear some gamers frustration with the GTA trilogy, you will know that they are all pissed.
  8. They should come and force me to play that kind of trash boss fight. If it's possible to skip a boss fight, I would do that in this situation.
  9. The more that I play Ghost of Tsushima, the more I think I get better at it. Now, I have mastered making use of bow and arrows.
  10. It took me a while to get over playing with my Playstation 1 even when I already owned my Playstation 2.
  11. We had seen a lot of trash go down last last with some crazy made games like GTA trilogy but hopefully this year will be better.
  12. It's actually what's going on with all EA games. They have an incredible fan base which is why they always sell their games no matter what.
  13. Seriously, they are definitely not worth saying any good things about them for making such kind of games because it's an absolute rubbish.
  14. Yeah, although I only currently have my Playstation 4 as the PlayStation 1 to Playstation 3 have been dashed out.
  15. Yeah, the duration of the games that I have played with the console's controllers have more edge which is why I can adapt back to it very quickly.
  16. It's actually why a lot of gamers are exploring the possibility of getting their own Gamepass because it saves them a lot of money.
  17. Wish I could get to play up to that level of age. It's something that's worth celebrating because not all gamers get to that level.
  18. Yeah exactly, it's actually why my friend Mark doesn't want to leave out playing with his wired controllers and switch to wireless one.
  19. This is what Emotiv Systems' Project Epoc is like. It's something that's related to the VR we have now.
  20. Seriously, I really hate constantly upgrading of new weapons all the time because it never ends as long as the game isn't over.
  21. Exactly, if there aren't any game's collector, most of the history we have in games would have probably been lost now.
  22. Yeah, it's actually what we are looking forward in getting from the new games that are coming out this year 2022.
  23. Seriously, if the game makes it a bad habit of always giving me the tips once I'm dead, I would definitely quit playing it or turn off the tips if it's possible.
  24. Yes, it's very much available on Steam. You can have it checked out and decide on what to do. https://store.steampowered.com/app/232090/Killing_Floor_2/
  25. Yeah, it's something that I have seen on more than one occasion and it looks very intense from the looks of it.
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