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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. Definitely the NubyTech Resident Evil 4 Chainsaw Controller wouldn't be missed out as one of most weird controllers that I have seen. Also, the Shinkansen Wii Controller for Densha de Go Shinkansen looks horrible from its appearance.
  2. Everyone hates Monday's because it's too busy and rushy like there isn't any other days of week. Hey, better read good for your exams!!
  3. Yeah, I have read the review on the game be wrote and it's immediately I joined VGR. He was actually the reason why I started playing the game after reading the review.
  4. Seriously, I'm never rushing it. It's not like the one I'm using currently isn't serving me, so no pressure for me with windows 11.
  5. It's been that way for a while, with new upgrades, gets some old features that gave it the original identity.
  6. I couldn't access my account on Outlook but I have already registered a new account on it and it looks like it's something I'm going to like.
  7. Seriously, how they keep selling all these games that were full of trash that's not made well still confuses me till date... It's not only the fanboys that buys them!!
  8. If you get into good gaming channels on Discord, you can easily make tons of friends that you can't even keep up with all of them.
  9. Yeah, that's what happens in most cases. Yeah, they can fix the graphics and beauty of the games but the core basis of the games would be lost in the process.
  10. Another thing that I have phobia for is puzzle box that's used in Hellraiser... I can't forget that box and how it kills.
  11. Yeah, the Company and their brand Energy Drink Monster is quite impressive. I will look into how long they are planning on keeping the partnership.
  12. Seriously, if it's that way, then it's not a video game any more. In fact, the company would have a big problem with fans.
  13. He definitely deserves getting the console gifted to him. I have done that on more than one occasion with all my Playstation consoles.
  14. I don't know about any other gamer but I know that I'm going to adapt playing with console's controllers even if I have played with keyboard and mouse for 10 years.
  15. I don't think it's charging when it's connected to the console but it's working directly with the console when connected.
  16. Yeah exactly, money is always going to be a challenge for gamers looking to add more games to their backlogs. Once there is money, it can always get bigger.
  17. Yeah, it's why I have decided to get in on the bandwagon because it looks a better offer in a general sense!!
  18. Yeah, it's one of my favorite movies because of all the supernatural creeps that it enlightened me on. Dean is my guy!!!
  19. That's 36 years of being into the art of playing video games. That's pretty long, although there are some older as well.
  20. Some people are just pure old school and it's why they find it very difficult to grow with the new trend. My father is a hardcore old school.
  21. I was so used to playing with wired controllers that getting to play with wireless controllers felt odd at the time but I adapted immediately.
  22. It's actually why it's very important to be in some gaming platform where you get to learn a lot of things that ordinarily you wouldn't have access to the information.
  23. I completely understand that feeling of reluctantly being open to that kind of games because it's not an easy experience with Dark Souls and even Bloodborne.
  24. Funny enough in some those shooting games after maxing out the upgrade of the gun, you will still need another new gun for next stage and it must be upgraded.
  25. Yeah exactly, they are not common but it doesn't change the fact that there are some gamers who plays games like that..
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